Detail how the programme you have designed fits the needs of the scenario; provide justification for the mode of exercise, sets reps and rest prescribed.

Word Limit: 2000 Words

Learning Outcomes:

1 Describe in detail key concepts and principles underpinning the study of strength and conditioning.

3 Identify and review the strength and conditioning requirements for a long term periodised training programme.

4 Critically evaluate emerging themes in the strength and conditioning literature regarding their practical application to the delivery of effective programmes and sessions

Assessment Brief:


The assessment will be introduced in your first lecture of the module, scheduled to take place in week 11. You are required to choose ONE of the THREE case studies outlined below and provide a 20 week training programme for them.

Your portfolio should be no more than 2000 words (not including tables, figures or flow diagrams):

1. The athlete is a 27 year old female athlete training for the London Marathon in April 2022. The goal of the athlete is to complete the Marathon in less than 2hrs 50 mns.

2. The athlete is a 14 year old male youth triathlete competing in the British Triathlon Youth Super Series. The first event takes place in April 2022

3. The athlete is a 65 year old cyclist competing in One Day racing in the British Masters Cycle Racing series. He plans to begin racing in April 2022

Note: None of the athletes in the scenarios have had any previous injury or medical history that would prevent them from normal activity.

Type of Assessment:


Formatting and Submission Guidelines:

The report should be written in the third person. The page margins should be standard (i.e. 2.54 cm top, bottom, left & right). A maximum of 2000 words are allowed for the report (not including tables, figures and the reference list). All pages should be: 1.5 line spacing; 12 size font; Times New Roman text.

Assessment Feedback:

Feedback will be received in a timely manner within 20 working days. Refer back to the feedback received from your portfolio in Strength and Conditioning for Exercise in Health in Year 2

Portfolio Topic & Key requirements
The portfolio should consist of the following sections:

1.Fitness Assessment:

a. Detail when, where, and how often testing would take place over the 20 week period
b. In a table list the fitness assessments you would use and the time point that these would take place in.

2.Training programmes:

a. You should provide a needs analysis and an overall periodisation programme for the entire 20 week block. This needs to include appropriate macro, meso and micro cycles (when relevant).

Your focus is on the S+C element of the training programme rather than the specific athlete sport training.

b. Example training week for a selected block during the training period. This requires a detailed training programme for each session that would take place in an example week. This can be any week during the 20 weeks. Be clear which week that it refers to.

c.Programmes should include:

i Warm-up and cool-downs.
ii Exercises/Reps/Sets/Load/Recovery periods for each session.

3. Scientific justification:

a. Discuss and evaluate the periodisation approach used.

b. Critically appraise the approach to each individual training block.

c. Detail how the programme you have designed fits the needs of the scenario; provide justification for the mode of exercise, sets reps and rest prescribed.

d. Provide a rationale for the progression provided across the blocks.

e. Detailed analysis of the adaption to that athlete’s specific situation that will take place as a result of the inclusion of your S+C training

f. Develop a programme that is sport specific to the individual case that you have chosen.

g. Provide scientific justification from peer-reviewed journals which are available online.


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