Evaluate a piece of media from a program, movie, or song that you enjoy and then answer the following: What are the assumptions presented in this medium regarding what is real in the world?

Evaluate a piece of media from a program, movie, or song that you enjoy and then answer the following:

What are the assumptions presented in this medium regarding what is real in the world?
Does it display, for example, the belief that all is physical or material?
Does it allude to reality that cannot be measured scientifically?
How do you think Plato or Aristotle would have responded to these ideas?
Do you think it represents a biblical view or an “anti” biblical view? Why?
Write a short paper explaining your thinking on this topic that thoroughly addresses the questions posed.

Your paper must be:

Two pages in length (not including the cover page and reference page).

Constructed using an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion with quality college-level writing.

Written in Word using APA format. It should include the following:

A cover page

Assignment written in an APA approved font and size, double spaced

In-text citations to support main points, including page number(s)

A reference page with full APA references for each in-text citation used for support

Note: Refer to the APA Requirements module for additional APA assistance.

Supported by a minimum of one scholarly sources in addition to your textbook, Questions that Matter, 6th Ed. by E. Miller & J. Jensen (2009)

Supported by Scripture.

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