Craft an argumentative essay that analyzes two or three examples of cultural, national, or transnational responses/solutions to the challenges faced by these populations from the late nineteenth through the first third of the twentieth century.

Write a 4-5pp (pages) response (double-spaced, 12 point font) to the question below. Your reply should be your own analysis, with an absolute minimum of quotes (if they appear at all).

Submit the paper AS A WORD DOCUMENT to your TA via NYU Brightspace (or directly to the TA if that is her/his/their preference).

Include your name as well as the name of your TA at the top of the first page.


Though varied in its manifestations, the transition from emancipation to the struggle for citizenship throughout the Americas occurred within an enduring legacy of racism and colonialism that would define the cultural and political preoccupations of people of African descent in the U.S., the Caribbean, Brazil, and Europe from the end of the nineteenth century through the first third of the twentieth century. Our class lectures, recitations, and readings have highlighted the realities and limitations of emancipation, as well as the struggle for full citizenship among African-descended populations people through this period.

The Question

Craft an argumentative essay that analyzes two or three examples of cultural, national, or transnational responses/solutions to the challenges faced by these populations from the late nineteenth through the first third of the twentieth century.

Make sure that your answer engages with ALL of the required reading (Gomez, Jones, Jacques-Garvey, Lovelace, Watkins-Owens), as well as incorporates at least one of the two documentaries, Against the Odds or Ilê Aiyê .

Writing Response Papers (from the syllabus)

Response papers should include the following elements:

● a topic statement within the first or second paragraph, specifying your main argument and any subsidiary points, if there are any

● an overview, also within the first or second paragraph, summarizing how the rest of the paper marshals the evidence to support the thesis

● clear organization of information throughout the rest of the paper, in support of the thesis

● a conclusion summarizing the thesis and its support

● proper rendering of such common words as “among” rather than “amongst”; “toward” and “afterward” – as opposed to “towards” and “afterwards”; “twentieth century,” not “20th century,” etc.

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