Create a 3,000 word Business Plan detailing your project addressing it to any of your chosen bankers for finance options.


Title:  Making it happen!

Following on from the previous assignment for your new idea, you now need to create a 3,000 word Business Plan detailing your project addressing it to any of your chosen bankers for finance options. This part of the assignment is an extended form of your presentation pitch.

The plan is an opportunity to demonstrate how your new product or service could be feasible, progressive, and unique and add benefit to the local area and the banker. It is also an opportunity for you to introduce your entrepreneurship personality & potential etc.

Therefore, you need to critically discuss and apply relevant theories/models of entrepreneurship personality & potentials.

Also, you should clearly state the total process from the conception to the execution of your idea desirable for the growth and sustainability of the idea.

The plan will be read by the banker’s team before putting your pitch live for investment.

Your plan should cover the following learning outcomes.

Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:

1.Appraise the theories and practice of entrepreneurship, enterprise and innovation.

2.Investigate opportunities for entrepreneurial activity in the local, national and global economies for start-up and existing organisations.

3.Explore the behaviours, characteristics, competencies and personalities of a range of entrepreneurs and evaluate against students’ own behaviours, characteristics, personality and competencies to assess their potential as an entrepreneur.

4.Evaluate internal and external factors affecting the development and creation of an entrepreneurial culture.

5.Analyse and discuss the process of a business start-up from conception to execution.

6.Evaluate the impact impacting on the growth and sustainability on an idea, innovation or creative solution.

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