After watching the video submit a paper including general information on each topic as well as specific examples from Ruth Ann Boatwright’s history.Identify all types of child maltreatment, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and psychological abuse.

Socio/Psych analysis of Ruth Anne Birthrights Bastard out of Carolina,


After watching the video submit a paper including general information on each topic as well as specific examples from Ruth Ann Boatwright’s history.

1. Identify all types of child maltreatment, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and psychological abuse

2. Identify risk factors utilizing a multilayered ecological approach (macrosystemic, ecosystemic, microsystemic and ontogenetic risk factors).

3. Identify psychological symptoms associated with Ruth Anne Boatwright’s trauma response.

4. Sources of resiliency within Ruth Anne Boatwright (individual).

5. Sources of resiliency within Ruth Anne Boatwright’s environment (familial, community, society).

6. Missed opportunities for systemic interventions.

7. A description of interventions that did/would have assisted Ruth Anne Boatwright and her family.

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