Identify and examine current events and issues affecting modern society and critically evaluate news articles and apply academic material to real-world events.

Background & Guidelines:

Identify and examine current events and issues affecting modern society and critically evaluate news articles and apply academic material to real-world events.

Apply an ethical & civic lens to the events & material.

Your final paper requires you to summarize & cite 4 major events/stories throughout the semester, that you can apply and relate each story to the course material (cite chapters, theories, and definitions from our e-text), and Your analysis must include relevant historical and current civic information, along with your ethical review.

Instructions on ways to become informed of current events have been posted on Brightspace.

You are welcome to use other legitimate sources (ex. WSJ, WashPost, NYT etc.).

The format will include:
A summary of at least 4 events (they should be from throughout the semester and should
NOT all be from the same two to three-week period.)
Each of the 4 events should reference different chapters in the book and citations are expected.
An explanation of
historical events. A thoughtful review of ethical implications causing and/or resulting from
the current event is required.

Some other questions to consider as you relate the event to course material include, but are not limited to:

fiscal impact will this event have on

What are the direct connections to course material and what are the financial literacy or
lack of financial literacy impacts?
will this event impact my personal
are the global financial
Comparison of historical events and civic responsibilities
this have been prevented? If so, how?
What civic issues are addressed? Both current and historical
Must include: An explanation and analysis of ethical implications- include considerations,
ethical dilemmas, decision making that are related to the chosen events.
We will discuss additional questions in class


Your format can be either APA or MLA, 12-point font and double spaced.

You must also include a bibliography and citations.

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