Construct a scientific research proposal that addresses a healthcare administration issue.

Construct a scientific research proposal that addresses a healthcare administration issue.

This is a 5-6 page, APA paper. Include at least 6 sources, one of which must be the textbook.

Organize your ideas into the appropriate sections and be sure you’ve thought through what you’d like to address, how, the timelines, the costs, the metrics you’ll use for gauging your success.

Your paper will have the following sections:

Abstract (or Introduction) – describe the healthcare administration issue that you are addressing with your project. What is the problem, and briefly, how do you intend to address it?

Hypothesis – What do you think will occur as a result of your intervention? Be specific.

Methodology and Approach – how will you implement your proposed solution? What are your research strategies? What is your study design? Population, sample?

MUST include a Survey section

Expected Conclusion – restate your problem, hypothesis, method, and measurement strategies. Explain how successfully addressing the issue will improve patient care.

Other sections you may choose to include: Budget, Cost Analysis, Timeline, Statistics.

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