Critically analyze how Netflix maintain a high-performance workplace based on a sustainable and ethical HRM system.

Title page

Executive summary 150 to 200 words summary of the report (not part of the word count)

Table of content Headers and page number

Introduction Short 250 words: setting scene, background of Netflix (context)

The purpose of the report (What is the case study trying to achieve)

Signposting what is expected in the report (What theoretical lenses or HRM practices are you discussing?

Each paragraph must have in-text-citation in Harvard format.

Analysis 2000 words- Very detailed critical analysis of the Netflix demonstrating your understanding of theory into practice.

In this section ensure to critically discuss, evaluate and address question one to three.

How does Netflix HR philosophy help shape their employee attraction, retention and firing policy and practices?

Discuss first about this policy in the United States and then globally?

How does Netflix maintain its talent hire and reward practices globally, given that employment laws differ globally?

Critically analyze how Netflix maintain a high-performance workplace based on a sustainable and ethical HRM system.

To be critical, you must:

Identify the issues/problems/situation/challenges and opportunities

Links to HRM theories/practices/policies and ethicsĀ that help you explain, evaluate, and analyze the case

Explanation of underlying causes or implications of the issues identified

In this section theory must be used to address/discuss/evaluate the three questions critically, concisely, coherently, and logically. The use of theory must be embedded in each section, not having a separate header for theories.

Example of relevant theories to be used include Human Capital theory, Dynamic Capabilities theory the AMO (Ability, motivation, and Opportunity) model, High Performance Work System (HPWS), Resource Based View, Organizational Behavior theory, Contingency theory, Motivational theory.


Conclusion 250 word- Main lessons learned.

Your conclusion must be convincing, which fully summarizes your discussions. All the main point discussed must be summaries around the purpose of the report from your analysis of theory into practices.

No new information should be presented in the conclusion section.

Recommendation 200 words- Make recommendations for improvement based on your conclusion in details.

Provide a least two recommendations for Netflix on developing effective HRM policies and practices to manage their global talent?

Possible solutions (if required, check your instructions

These solutions should address the gap identified in Netflix HRM system.

Recommendation must be fully feasible and justify understanding HRM processes and who is implementing the recommendation and any further implication it will have on the organization.

Do not just provide a list of recommendations.

Reference list Include all the sources you have cited in the report

Harvard style of referencing

Write in your words to avoid plagiarism as your report will go through SafeAssign.

Do not use UK Essay/ Wikipedia

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