Provide your opinion of Detective Joe Crystal, formerly of Baltimore Police Department, situation. You have been appointed chief of Baltimore Police Department. Discuss your actions if any you would take in reference to Detective Crystal.

Must have substantial supporting scholarly references. All scholarly references must be used as evidence in lieu of or in addition to a descriptive purpose. For example, Thompson (2015) reported drugged driving is a public safety problem. This does not provide evidence. It is a vague statement that everyone already knows.

Thompson (2015) reported drugged drivers were three times more likely to be involved in a crash than alcohol impaired drivers. This is evidence.

Research Detective Joe Crystal formerly of the Baltimore Police Department.

The research assignment this week is a real world example of how things actually work when an officer violates “the code of silence”. Retaliation is an expected outcome in many criminal police agencies.

Provide your opinion of Detective Joe Crystal, formerly of Baltimore Police Department, situation. You have been appointed chief of Baltimore Police Department. Discuss your actions if any you would take in reference to Detective Crystal.

You must include a leadership and ethical theoretical analysis based on one or more of the main three theories of each.

Leadership: Trait, transactional, and transformational.

Ethics: Virtue, formalism, and utilitarian.

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