Using your Reflective Journal, pull out some elements that can be the basis of your One Minute Paper.Write about what comes up for you spontaneously and form it into a brief piece of writing.


The One Minute Papers are designed for you to really think through the material that you have been presented, and the ways in which your thinking might be expanded. Giving you a sense of how the material integrates into your current views, the One Minute paper should be interesting, informative, and thoughtful.


Using your Reflective Journal, pull out some elements that can be the basis of your One Minute Paper. Throughout the course you are asked to use your journal to record thoughts and insights as the content progresses. Use something from your Reflective Journal to start your One Minute Paper, and go forward from there. In a way, the One Minute Paper is a formal extension of your reflection Journal — a way to let your instructor in on some of your thinking.

The One Minute Paper should be brief, reflective, and provide insight into your personal process in the course. How does your own thinking relate to the material?

Write about what comes up for you spontaneously and form it into a brief piece of writing. It should not exceed 500 words MAX. Use a first-person narrative. Make sure your response is clear. Make sure you check your spelling and grammar.

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