Why is this issue important for child and youth workers?

For this assignment, you are to pick a diversity issue affecting children and/or youth in Canada. Your goal is to educate people on the importance of the issue by creating an informative essay about your topic.
Essay must be in APA format
There are 5 required sections:
o Introduction (approximately 1/2 page)
o Body (approximately 2 pages) (break this section; headings required)
o Why is this issue important for child and youth workers? (approximately 1 page) o Conclusion (approximately 1/2 page)
o References (required, APA format)
• Your essay is to be 4 pages in length (excluding references and cover page)
• You need to use at least THREE DIFFERENT sources of information in your paper.(Canadian sources as much as possible)
• This essay will be graded on content and style.

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