Write a 1200 word individual reflection on the dynamics of your presentation group and the process of creating and delivering your group presentation.

Business management

Write a 1200 word individual reflection on the dynamics of your presentation group and the process of creating and delivering your group presentation.

Your reflection should:

Provide a very brief description of the context of the group task

Use a reflective model of your choice, such as Gibbs or Kolb

Include reflection on team formation and effectiveness, with reference to Belbin team roles

Include reflection on team development and effectiveness, with reference to Tuckman model of group development

Consider individual and group effectiveness, and implications for your future group activities

Your reflection should not:

Focus on the presentation content

Focus on your delivery – except when it may have been significantly affected positively or negatively by group dynamics

This task is linked in particular to the following learning outcome:

LO4: Demonstrate an understanding of effective teamwork and working with others

In addition, it contributes to the following learning outcomes:

LO1: Recognise and use accurately a range of business terminology and concepts

LO2: Apply a range of business theories and frameworks to appropriate case studies and reach conclusions supported by robust evidence and sound analysis

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