Discuss how power and politics are structured within an organization and influence nursing practise and healthcare outcomes.

Course Objective(s

This discussion will:

Utilize a scenario to help students with course objective 3;

Explore communication styles of leadership and managerial decision-making in an era of constant change and course objective 6;

Identify ethical, legal, policy and economic issues related to management decisions for health care systems.

Discussion Purpose and Learning Outcomes:

The purpose of this discussion facilitation is to apply the concepts of organizational culture and climate as well as power and politics to a real-life situation that is occurring as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This discussion will encourage students to meet the following learning outcomes:

Discuss how power and politics are structured within an organization and influence nursing practise and healthcare outcomes.

Identify situations that give rise to the use of power and politics.

Define the terms: organizational climate, organizational culture, power and politics.

Preparation Resources and Activities:

Read the following two articles:

Guidolin, K., Catton, J., Rubin, B., Bell, J., Marangos, J., Munro-Heesters, A., Stuart-McEwan, T., & Quereshy, F. (2021). Ethical decision making during a healthcare crisis: a resource allocation framework and tool. Journal of medical ethics, medethics-2021-107255. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1136/medethics-2021-107255

Braithwaite, J., Herkes, J., Ludlow, K., Testa, L., & Lamprell, G. (2017). Association between organizational and workplace cultures, and patient outcomes: Systematic review. BMJ Open, 7(11), e017708. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017708

Discussion Forum Prompt:


You are a Nursing Supervisor responsible for the management of Unlicensed Care Providers at a community care agency, such as Paramed. Your agency is having difficulty with staffing levels and retention which has been exasperated further by the most recent wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Your staffing levels have been impacted to the extent that they are now fifty percent of what they were prior to the pandemic. Due to this staffing crisis, which is similar to all areas of health care at this point in time, you have been given the task of deciding which cases can be put on hold for services. Home Community Care Support Services is expecting a reply after you review the files and decide who can continue to receive care.

Relate this scenario to this week’s module topics of Power, Politics, Organizational Culture and Climate by answering the following questions in an initial post plus two peer responses:

Imagine you are a Nursing Supervisor, how would you make the decision about who can or who will not receive care?

What political or power issues are involved in making this decision.

Describe how the limited staffing levels in this organization will impact its culture and climate for staff?

As a leader in this organization, what would you do to create a positive working culture in this organization?

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