Develop and implement a business plan.Provide a written summary of the viability of the plan, its expected outcomes, and the procedures to be followed to ensure effective implementation.

Financial plan

1.You must develop and implement a business plan.

The plan must be clearly articulated and formatted in such a way that makes it acceptable to business organisation. It must contain all of the necessary elements and must be informed by accurate, current, relevant and useful data/ information.

Graphs, charts, tables etc. can be used and any information that is relevant but not necessarily required for inclusion in the plan can be included in an appendix.The plan could apply to the business as a whole or to a proposed new venture.

2. Provide a written summary of the viability of the plan, its expected outcomes, and the procedures to be followed to ensure effective implementation.

3. Submit, to your assessor, detailed answers to the following questions:

Explain the ways in which the business and strategic plans of the organisation fit together.

What concepts and ideas were considered?

Summarise the required resources and the personnel involved in and affected by the plan.

What data/ information did you use when formulating the plan?

With whom did you consult with and why did you choose to consult with these people.

Explain the sources from which you gathered data/ information.

How did you verify the currency, reliability and usefulness of the data/ base information you collected?

Explain how the plan will benefit the business.

How do you communicate this plan to other personnel in the business and how would you ensure that they support and commit to the business plan?

Will the plan make any differences to the skills and competencies required by employees; and if it does, what action will you take?

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