Reflect on the results and discuss why they are trustworthy or be honest about why they are not. Discuss how the study could be improved if done again.

Your final course project is a reflection of the concepts and outcomes learned in class. Throughout the class you have analyzed and discussed peer reviewed articles that use descriptive and inferential statistics.

For this assignment, you will write the first three sections of your final paper. You will analyze the article and describe the statistical methods in detail.

Your completed final paper (including all five sections) should be 7-10 pages in length using standard fonts and margins. Use the
Journal Article Review Template as a guide.

Your paper must detail the following:

Section 1: Demonstrates how and why the particular topic was chosen (2 paragraphs)

Who? – Introduces the primary author with a brief description of the author’s background and affiliations

What? – Identifies primary question(s) of interest

Why? – Explains the value of the journal article and why the question(s) of interest is(are) worth answering

Section 2: Shows how the research was conducted (1-2 pages)

Recaps essential information from the methods set forth in the journal article

Demonstrates that attention was paid to sound experimental design with the proper use of sampling procedures described in detail

Problems that arose in data collection are openly discussed along with the response to those problems

If a survey was given, a copy of it is included (add in the appendix)
Design of the study clearly ties to main objectives

Section 3: Includes the collected data, analysis, and results (1-2 pages + images)

Clearly and concisely discuss the application of collected data and analysis

Data is labeled and displayed clearly in summary table(s)

A minimum of three distinct graphical displays is included and properly labeled (remember that a graph should be able to stand alone by itself with no outside context necessary to understand it)

Section 4: Delineates what conclusions were obtained (2-3 pages + inference results)

Includes an introduction that identifies the parameter of interest, the question(s) of interest, and introduces the testing procedures that follow and why they were selected (1 page)

Concludes by summarizing results in a non-statistical manner and their implications for the organization. (1-2 pages)

Section 5: Discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the selected statistical methods (1-2 pages)

Reflect on the results and discuss why they are trustworthy or be honest about why they are not
Discuss how the study could be improved if done again

Analysis is critical and specific – avoids stating phrases such as “everything went ok,” etc.

Grammar, Organization, and APA format: Paper must be logically organized, have well-developed paragraphs; demonstrate superior language skills with correct grammar, spelling, and syntax, and few errors.

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