Produce a review of eight sources/articles in the form of a Literature Review, by summarizing the findings and conclusions, and synthesizing the implications of this research with respect to your topic.

Produce a review of eight sources/articles in the form of a Literature Review, by summarizing the findings and conclusions, and synthesizing the implications of this research with respect to your topic.


It has been argued that Cloud Computing has emerged as one of the technologies that have the potential to offer business value to organizations and institutions as they manage their Information Systems and technology service needs.

Many businesses rely on the use of the cloud to provide much-needed services to advance their needs while responding to growth spurts that they may experience. Given the level of dynamic shifts within businesses, seen for example, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, cloud service providers are required to be responsive to the needs of their customers, who are themselves cloud consumers, and should ensure that the cloud environments provided are built such that they meet the requirements and changing needs of these consumers.

Cloud Computing technologies and environments, which include a combination of IT resources, can be adopted and packaged by service providers to meet the different and specific needs of a business. Cloud-based environments are accessible through different cloud service delivery models.

There are several considerations pertaining to cloud service delivery models. With reference to a specific industry or a company, you are to discuss these considerations from a cloud consumer perspective.

Narrow Topic:

Applications of Cloud Computing to Drive Innovation in Higher Education.

The guidelines for completing the Literature Review are to:

1. Using the narrow topic focus on specific aspect(s) of the area to be discussed. 2. Identify eight (8) sources/articles related to your narrow topic (no older than 5 years). a. These sources/articles should have substantial relevance to your topic 3. Produce a review of these sources/articles in the form of a Literature

Review, by summarizing the findings and conclusions, and synthesizing the implications of this research with respect to the narrow topic.

Include a body/discussion section that does NOT merely summarise the articles; but rather provide a body/discussion section that critically evaluates the articles, integrates the findings of several papers and synthesizes the findings to the extent possible, and determines where there is agreement among papers versus where there are contrasting findings, etc.

• It is not possible to prescribe how you should structure/arrange your sources. You should first organise your sources in themes/sub-titles and then group them where they relate. Note that a source, for example, may span one or more themes/sub-titles; each component within your body/discussion will therefore vary.

Basically, you are required to produce a review of these sources/articles in the form of a Literature Review, by summarizing the findings and conclusions and synthesizing the implications of this research with respect to your topic.

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