Describe the Voice of unsung mythical women: Revisionist mythology in Kavita kane’s works.

Tentative title :

Voice of unsung mythical women: Revisionist mythology in Kavita kane’s works

Author : kavita kane

Books :

• The karna’s wife : The outcast’s queen

• Sita’s sister
• Menaka’s choice
• Lanka’s princess
• Ahalya’s Awakening
• The fisher queen’s dynasty
• Saraswati’s gift

Theory to be used : deconstruction theory

Author Kavita Kane uses multiple methods of revising myths in her books. Mythology is used as a huge canvas and a tool for women to begin their voyage by interpreting and questioning the old texts to portray the hidden strength and limitation of the female characters. In particular, the characters that Kavita Kane focuses on are not the main female protagonist but rather the ” voiceless” or ” hidden ” marginalised characters, who are in control of the main narration instead of just being pawns in the plot set in motion by men.

Mythology often poses this question “ how much you can escape from the fate and how much do you succumb to it “.

This research shall widely discuss in detail about the ” agency ” that Kane gives the “other” much neglected female characters in her books which puts them in a high place in history and allows the readers to see these women for their enormous strength and presence in literary tradition.

Mythology is an integral part of society and it gives us an opportunity to think about and explore than to judge any character. Each of the marginalised character depicts various traits like wisdom, power, sentiments, emotions which unfurls their internal feminist sensibility. The identity and the personalities of the shadowy figures shall be discussed in a more liberated light to uncover the deeply instilled biases of Indian society against women.

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