Based on your chosen study, create a newsletter intended for an audience reading at a year 9 level, which provides a summary of the key findings and explains/discusses how the information can be applied in the ‘real world’ by your target population.

Critically evaluate, synthesise and translate research evidence for a lay audience.


Based on your chosen study, create a newsletter intended for an audience reading at a year 9 level, which provides a summary of the key findings and explains/discusses how the information can be applied in the ‘real world’ by your target population.

A list of relevant resources should be provided to the reader; at least one of which assists readers who may face systemic barriers to physical activity (i.e., poverty, disability, ethnic minority membership, lack of education, living in high crime areas, etc.).


Promoting physical activity for disabled people who are ready to become physically active: A systematic review

THE NEWSLETTER NEEDS TO BE: 500 words MAXIMUM on a single A4 page (excluding references – presented on page 2)


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