What is the purpose of the study by Oh and Cho (2020)? Identify the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable(s).

Evaluation and critique of a research article. The article to be reviewed is Changes in Fatigue, Psychological Distress, and Quality of Life After Chemotherapy in Women with Breast Cancer

Answer the following questions using complete sentences. Explain your answer in a few sentences to adequately address each question. Answers should be grammatically correct without spelling or punctuation errors.

Oh and Cho (2020) describe the research design of their study as “prospective”. What information do the authors provide that confirms that the study is prospective?

What is the purpose of the study by Oh and Cho (2020)? Identify the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable(s).

Identify the study data collection points. Why was it important for Oh & Cho (2020) to collect data more than once?

Describe the data collection strategies used in the study by Oh and Cho (2020). How was demographic data collected?

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