Identify one particular sustainability issue.Identify one particular sustainability issue.

Supply Chain and Logistics



Awareness of sustainability issues is growing among businesses, customers, communities and legislators.

As a result, sustainability has become increasingly important for many companies in recent years, forcing changes to logistics and operations. New policies, new business models, technologies and investments have been the result.

• How have logistics and operations management changed?

In your essay you are required to cover two themes:

• A) Identify ONE particular sustainability issue.

Identify ONE particular sustainability issue.

• B) Discuss the process of adaptation as companies alter their strategies in response to sustainability concerns. Use at least: sustainable warehousing, reverse logistics, green product design, ethical procurement.

Your essay should discuss the cost of adaptation and the potential impact for companies that fail to adapt their supply chain strategies in the face of sustainability concerns.

• C) Using TWO examples from the agreed goals in COP26 last year in Glasgow include the relevant legislation and management practices that supports the eliminating of environmental impact of logistics and operations.

• International Journal of Production Economics

• Sustainability

• Journal of Cleaner Production

• Harvard Business Review

• The Economist

• Production Planning & Control

• Supply Chain Management

• Journal of Business Ethics

• Relevant Database from google Scholar, science direct, sage would be appreciated introduction, body of the essay and conclusion. i don’t want history of pfizer in the essay, just straight to the questions. thank you

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