Discuss Intelligence and Antisocial Personality Effects on Crime.

Topic: Intelligence and Antisocial Personality Effects on Crime

Required Article Readings

-Vold’s Chapter 4: Biological Factors and Criminal Behavior
– Rhee and Waldman (2002)-Genetic and Environmental Influences on Antisocial Behavior
– Rocque, Welsh, and Raine (2012)-Biosocial Criminology and Modern Crime Prevention
– Vold’s Chapter 5: Psychological Factors and Criminal Behavior
– Dhingra and Boduszek (2013)-Psychopathy and Criminal Behaviour

Recommended Materials

-The Neuroscience of Restorative Justice (TED Talk Video with Daniel Reisel)

Theory Reaction Paper 1 Assignment Instructions

Consider the following a general formatting rubric.

The paper must be written in 12 pt. Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins, APA format.

You must include “Reaction Paper #” in the top left of the header and your name and page number in the top right of the header.

You absolutely must include in text citations for information you use as you write your paper and references page with the full reference in APA format.

Each paper cannot exceed 2 pages (not including an APA formatted reference page).

Instructions for Theory Reaction Papers:

The following MUST be addressed in a written format

Who are the theorist(s) who founded the theory or research?
What are the primary tenants or elements of the theory?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the theory?
What are the policy implications of the theory and is this theory relevant in society currently?




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