Do you agree with the banned/challenged status? Explain. How might the contested material in your book affect children readers and our younger culture? What are the pros and cons of banning this book?

To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

What kind of historical childhood theories (Sacred Child, Child as Mini-Adult, etc.) are being portrayed in the book? Use specific examples and quotes from the text and our textbook to illustrate.

What genre does the book fall in? Use specifics and quotes from the book and textbook to fully prove your assertion.

From your own reading, find examples in the banned book to illustrate why it’s banned. Then do a bit of research: Why is the book banned according to sources? You’ll need to find two outside sources (this excludes the textbook and your selected banned book). Cite these sources on a References Slide and use MLA in-text citation.

Do you agree with the banned/challenged status? Explain. How might the contested material in your book affect children readers and our younger culture? What are the pros and cons of banning this book?

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