Prepare a 2,000 word project based on secondary research.Develop a research question on a topic of their choice related to their course, identify and collect appropriate data.


1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding Of the research process and the key methods of analysing data within social science research

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities: Able to write a feasible research question that is related to the course content, searching the literature, collecting other types of existing data and conducting data analysis in secondary research.


Prepare a 2,000 word project based on secondary research.Develop a research question on a topic of their choice related to their course, identify and collect appropriate data and answer the question using one of the following:

• A literature review using thematic analysis
• Content analysis (qualitative, quantitative or both)
• Discourse analysis

You should include:

Research question, background and rationale –

a research question relating to the chosen topic area, background and rationale – why is this important? Why have you chosen to research this topic?

(400 words)

Method of data collection and ethics –

brief description of how data were collected – sources, timeframe, geography and ethical considerations (250 words)

Key assignment details

Size or length of assessment 2,000 words

Learning outcomes

1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding Of the research process and the key methods of analysing data within social science research

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:

Able to write a feasible research question that is related to the course content, searching the literature, collecting other types of existing data and conducting data analysis in secondary research.

Method of data analysis –

state which of the three the methods you have chosen. Briefly explain the method and explain why this is appropriate for answering your question (350 words)

Findings – analysis, discussion and conclusion –

What are the key ideas, themes, trends or patterns in the data that you have found. How do these relate to your question? What are the limitations of the data? End with a conclusion that summarises your findings and explains how you answered your question (1000 words)

• Ensure that you include sufficient references to support the points you are making, this will include justifying the data collection and analysis methods chosen, supporting your rationale with evidence and citing all your data sources. You will need to refer to at least two books on social research methods together with peer-reviewed journal articles and other appropriate sources.

• You are expected to develop a specific research question. It is strongly recommended that you start developing your research question early and have your question confirmed by the seminar tutor before starting work on your assignment.

• You must choose appropriate research methods which allow you to collect and analyse the data you need for answering your research question.

• Ensure that you include your in-text references. In all cases, in-text references must match up with what appears in
your reference list. Every in-text citation should correspond to a reference on the list at the end (and vice versa).
• You must use the Harvard referencing system.
• You must write in your own words. You are reminded that plagiarism of any type will be penalised and re

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