Assume you have the opportunity to compete for a $5,000 grant for new technology. Using the contemporary technology information in your area , write a two or three pages grant proposal convincing a grant review state agency that you should receive the requested funds.

Write a Grant proposal assignment

Assignment Content

Assume you have the opportunity to compete for a $5,000 grant for new technology. Using the contemporary technology information in your area , write a two or three pages grant proposal convincing a grant review state agency that you should receive the requested funds.

Consider the following information when creating your proposal:

How does the equipment improve student learning?

Is the equipment creative and innovative? Is it something novel that the students would benefit from learning about and using?

How well is the idea conceived and organized?

How will you measure learning outcomes?

Is the work plan well thought out?

Can the proposed activity be completed within the specified time frame?

Your paper should be organized with the following headings:

Introduction: Provide a concise statement of the learning objectives for the equipment you wish to purchase. Describe the need and the intended outcome.

Statement of purpose: Provide a clear description of the proposed project that is understandable to the general reader.

Background and rationale: Provide a brief review of the research that supports the technology. Convince the audience that you are purchasing trusted equipment and that you have sufficiently researched what you will purchase.

Schedule: Include specific dates.

Budget and justification: List all materials, including disposable equipment, app fees, tech storage, power strips, etc.

References: Provide a complete list of sources. Use APA formatting.

Directions: ① The paper must be typed with MS-word, double-spaced, with 1” margins. Times New Roman font, and font size of 12

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