Select one (1) of the characters listed below. Assume that position and create a narrative that respond to the questions.


Select one (1) of the characters listed below. Assume that position and create a narrative that respond to the questions.

Note the following:

Write the essay in the first person (ex. “My name is Angela, and this is my story.”). Pretend you are telling the story from that person’s perspective.
The purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on the mindset of those individuals mentioned below and try to answer why they have engaged in those drug-related behaviors.
You are free to be as creative as you wish.


1) Angela, a 28-year-old daughter of alcoholic parents.

What was her childhood like living with two alcoholic parents?
What concerns/worries did she experience as a child?
How has her parents’ use of alcohol affected her own views about alcohol?
What long-term effects has her parents’ alcohol abuse had on her life?

2) Mercedes, a 20-year-old pregnant woman from Mexico who is an illegal immigrant and is smuggling drugs into the United States in order to make money.

What circumstances made her do what she is doing?
How does she smuggle drugs into the United States?
What are her fears about smuggling drugs into the U.S.?
How does she feel about what she is doing?

3) Andre, an 18-year-old young man who sells drugs for a living.

Why is he selling drugs to make money?
How does he feel about his illegal activity?
What are his concerns, if any, about selling drugs?
Does he ever think about what impact his activities are having on his community and those who are buying drugs from him?

4) Jacqueline, a 37-year-old female executive who is secretly drinking daily to cope with her hectic life.

What role does her job have on her drinking?
How does she justify her drinking to herself?
What does she do to hide the fact that she drinks heavily?
What does she think about getting help for her alcohol abuse?

5) David, a 21-year-old college wrestler who is using steroids to succeed in his sport.

How has he justified using steroids to himself?
What are his thoughts about “juicing” or the use of drugs to enhance his performance? Does he consider it cheating?
What are his concerns (if any) about what steroids are doing to his body?
Does he have any worries about getting caught?

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