Imagine that you are an organizational consultant contacted by the general director in this case, asking you to mediate in the group at DCY-P.Make a proposal on how you would manage this conflict. How would you plan the process? What arrangements would you make? Pros and cons with different solutions?

Part 1 of analytical essay: Conflict and the prevention and management of conflict in a system perspective

Write 9 pages with references in text. Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 spaces. Reference list separate, after part 2 at the end of assignment

I. Your focus person (intrapersonal level) is Margareta. On the basis of case description, analyze Margareta as intrapersonal level in system-theoretic terms. What, which in her inner character is relevant, in what way to the conflict? Prepare your analysis by applying the concepts and processes of all materials of this course and the concepts and tools of the system analytic model of Robins and Novaco (1999).
Information gathered from question and answer with the professor for clarification to this question:

⦁ The intrapersonal in Robins and Novaco (1999), describes it’s about the anger management: cognitive, behavioural, arousal dimensions and the capacity to regulate once emotions and impulses, but also, they write in the article, this parts maybe and very often are organise to larger patterns to personality or pathologic personality.

⦁ You may also use the book for personality styles and models from McCorkle, Susanne & Reese, Melanie, J. Personal conflict management.

Theory and practice how she act and interacts with others.

– II. All the other characters, events and occurrences, the dynamic changes and shifts in time and space around Margareta make up the interpersonal (or between-individual) level. Analyze the interpersonal level of this WPC at DCY-P. Prepare your analysis by applying the concepts and processes of all materials of this course and the concepts and tools of the system analytic model of Robins and Novaco (1999).

⦁ Apply Labelles model of escalation on the case description. Describe clearly, who/what in what manner (calming versus triggering) contribute to the escalation

– III. Persons, situations and social occurrences (WPC at DCY-P in this case) are embedded in the larger, internal context of St. Sara, but also in the external context as described in the case. Analyze the organizational / environmental level of the case. Prepare your analysis by applying the concepts and processes of all materials of this course and the concepts and tools of the system analytic model of Robins and Novaco (1999).

– IV. The board and the general director at St Sara invites Ghislane Labelle as a conflict expert. Her task is to make a conflict analysis and to come up with suggestions to a solution. What would be her view, which principle would guide Labelle? Responsibilities of the leader(s)? Responsibilities of the employees?


On structure

As usually in a scientific paper, start with a general introduction before you take on the specific case. A good introduction raises curiosity in the reader and provides a theoretical basis to the topic of the paper.

Be parsimonious with references, use original references; follow APA style.

Information gathered from question and answer with the professor for clarification to this question:

You can base your analysis on different course articles, PPT lectures, and books for the course and you can also support your claim by using the TED Talks.

Use the concepts of transfers and conflict triangle, different theories, positive and negative feedback, system analytic of Robins and Novaco (1999).

Part 2: Theory and practice. Mediation

Imagine that you are an organizational consultant contacted by the general director in this case, asking you to mediate in the group at DCY-P.

⦁ Which clarifying questions would you ask? Why?

⦁ Make a proposal on how you would manage this conflict. How would you plan the process? What arrangements would you make? Pros and cons with different solutions?

⦁ Before taking on this task, which considerations regarding your role and the contract would you make?

Base your analysis on McCorkle & Reese, Mediation, theory and for additional information, the Calming the Waters at Work by Ghislaine Labelle as it talks about mediation as well.

Write 2 pages with references in the text. Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 spaces

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