Select a behaviour that is relevant to a specific population of mental health service users / consumers and propose an evidenced based approach to successful behaviour change.

Learning Outcomes

1. critically analyse and deconstruct behaviour change theory and its application within mental health contexts

2. evaluate and critique, biological, psychological, social, neurophysiological and systematic factors that impact on behaviour and behaviour change in mental health contexts

3. formulate effective individual and systemic responses to facilitate behaviour change founded on theory, empirical research and recovery principles

4. apply motivational interviewing knowledge and strategies to facilitate coconstructed constructive consumer behaviour change

The Task

Select a behaviour that is relevant to a specific population of mental health service users / consumers and propose an evidenced based approach to successful behaviour change.

Consider and include in your discussion:-

1. The rationale for focusing the behaviour change intervention with the specific population;

2. A critical review of theoretical perspectives that have been applied to supporting behaviour change in the population;

3. A discussion of potential barriers to behaviour change at the neurophysiological, individual, interpersonal, organisational levels and how these barriers could be overcome.

Specific details of the proposed intervention are not required within this assignment.

The focus should be on the justification, the theoretical approach to addressing the behaviour and a sophisticated understanding of obstacles to behaviour change.

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