What duties might this position require? What education or experience is expected of applicants? What is the company’s reputation, goal, or mission? How would hiring you help the company achieve that goal or mission?

For this assignment, you will identify an employment opportunity you are interested in (psychology major  and counselor/psychologist.

This assignment shows how effectively you are able to construct a piece of writing appropriate for a career- or discipline-specific situation.

consider these questions:

What duties might this position require?
What education or experience is expected of applicants?
What is the company’s reputation, goal, or mission? How would hiring you help the company achieve that goal or mission?
What salary might you expect? Is it comparable to the same position within other companies?
Is there a possibility to grow or advance within this organization?

Before you write your letter, consider these questions about your unique qualifications and work history:

What makes you an effective employee and person that others want to work with?
What qualities, habits, and career skills make you a good candidate for this position?
How might your cover letter reflect any of the following traits: curiosity, openness, engagement, creativity, or metacognition (self-awareness)?

Write a minimum 350-word cover letter for your identified job opportunity that incorporates the suggestions, format, and tone from the Cover Letter Guide you reviewed at the beginning of this assignment . . .

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