Who is the antagonist or main obstacle? What is the Inciting Incident or Plot Point #1 ? What is the main character’s goal and motivation? What is the Midpoint or Plot Point #2a ?

Movie Breakdown Pick a movie you are very familiar with ie: you have seen recently or several times, and answer the following questions. Try to be very concise, keeping your answers to just the most germane points of the answers. What is the title of the movie? What is the mashup. Write the logline (one […]

What is the message you are communicating in your documentary? Who is your target audience?

Documentary Structure What is the message you are communicating in your documentary? Who is your target audience? Action – What interesting video/audio will you start with to draw the Audience in to your documentary? Background – Introduce your subject and all of the aspects of the subject, characters and message. Development – Develop all of […]

Write at least ten open-ended  questions to ask your interviewees on the subject of your documentary and list them here.

Open Ended Questions Write at least ten open-ended  questions to ask your interviewees on the subject of your documentary and list them here. Make sure that the questions elicit a complete answer and cannot be answered by a simple “yes” or “no” or other one word answer. Consider the order of your questions and how […]

What did you enjoy about each of the three classes? Designate each class. What was difficult about the class, or did anything hurt? Be specific.

Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog Description states, “A combination of physical activity and lecture providing regular exercise to develop physical fitness.” You are required to exercise 3 times per week. Each week you will be provided with 3 recorded yoga classes so you can exercise at home at […]

What from the chosen reading made you pause? What memory, emotion or association from your past educational experiences was evoked? How do these readings connect with your own philosophy of teaching and learning?

English Paper on Understanding learning styles and how that relates to college students Observation Report: For this assignment, you will report and analyze the results of your observation with the intent of developing a deeper understanding of your community of study. The report should include: a Background section that presents your research question, summarizes your […]

Analyze Africa-American music in the U.S. as it is represented in at least three forms of pop culture – these can be different forms, such as film, cartoons, songs, or they can be separate examples of the same form, such as three comics, video games, or tv shows, for example.

Africa-American music in the U.S Analyze Africa-American music in the U.S. as it is represented in at least three forms of pop culture – these can be different forms, such as film, cartoons, songs, or they can be separate examples of the same form, such as three comics, video games, or tv shows, for example. […]

While completing a large thesis assignment, you found an article, that perfectly suits one of the chapters of your research. You included the article in quotation marks and cited it. Is it still considered to be plagiarism?

English Question 4. You have used Keynes’ monetary theory, explained in your textbook. Keynes’ research is the original finding; textbook is a reflection. Which paper should you cite? a. Keynes’ research b. Textbook c. Both 5. While completing a large assignment, you found an article, that perfectly suits one of the chapters of your research. […]

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