What 2 types of graphs that you have learned about are the most appropriate for your data? Justify your statement and cite a reference supporting your decision.

You will conduct a mini study. You will survey 50 people through any method you choose to find out information on your topic. You will then calculate the statistics for your data. It is important to remember your mini study should use quantitative values since this is a statistics course so you can complete the […]

Write a well-developed Literacy Narrative essay.Use and correctly cite one outside source according to MLA style. Point of view: First person– “I.” Use your best storytelling voice and openly and honestly reminisce about your past reading or writing experiences.

Objectives: Write a well-developed Literacy Narrative essay. Use and correctly cite one outside source according to MLA style. Point of view: First person– “I.” Use your best storytelling voice and openly and honestly reminisce about your past reading or writing experiences. You may focus on one or several personal, memorable literacy events . Also, you […]

Watch and relate to any 2 videos from Section Three posted in Course Resources. Briefly state what the key issue in each video is  and relate to course material for this section. For example, compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle on their views on knowledge, or any of the issues addressed in Section Three.

300-500 words, not counting replies to classmates 1. Discuss at least three (3) key ideas/concepts discussed in this section as presented in the lecture for this Module . Your answers must directly reflect information from the lecture. After defining/explaining what these ideas/concepts are in your OWN WORDS, tell why you think they are important and […]

What was the root cause of this conflict? Who were the players? How many factions were there? and finally how did the various sides view what was happening?

Write 300 word discussion about Indian Wars” as viewed through Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’ An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States, imagine that you are describing this conflict to another person who is not a member of this class and using Dunbar-Ortiz’s text explain to them the answers to the following questions: What was the root […]

Review the complete developmental framework you have created. Think about the agency you feel you have in trying to change the structures in which you work to help you develop as a doctoral professional and whether the framework has helped you to gain more agency.

Advanced Doctoral Course In your final course, you will review the complete developmental framework you have created. Think about the agency you feel you have in trying to change the structures in which you work to help you develop as a doctoral professional and whether the framework has helped you to gain more agency. You […]

Describe the impact you’ve experienced on the goals you have acted upon. If you have not acted on your goals, you will make a plan to start working on them.

Advanced Doctoral Course 2 In this course, you will reflect on how many of your Applied Research Competencies goals you have acted upon. You will describe the impact you’ve experienced on the goals you have acted upon. If you have not acted on your goals, you will make a plan to start working on them.

Describe the crumb on the inside of the biscuit being sure to point out any unevenness, the size of the air holes, tunneling, etc.

Lab 2 measuring and mixing Activity 1, Muffins, effects of amount of mixing Select and cut one muffin from each variation in half vertically. Label and photograph, include it below. Record the height of each muffin in the table below. Describe the appearance (both external and internal) and texture of each muffin. Rate the overall […]

Find your short story reading list both in the syllabus activity schedule, Weeks One through Three, and in the Readings/Video module. Choose one of the readings that you found especially compelling, and write a response essay about it. In the essay, you should choose at least one literary technique you noticed in the story.

ENC 1102: Essay One Short Fiction Response Essay *This assignment, like Essays Two and Three, must be received by the deadline. According to the syllabus, you can still submit it up to 3 days later, with a penalty of -10 per day off of its original grade. Find your short story reading list both in […]

Why does the dialogue of the characters overlap or seem mumbled in some recent movies so that it is difficult to understand the characters? Does the dialogue serve some other purpose than to help tell the story?

What is the relation of the sound to the image in specific scenes or sequences? How might the answer to that question be refined to reveal the aims, achievements, or even failures of sound in the movie? • Is the sound used to link images, or does the sound have the conventional role of beginning […]

Using your active reading notes from the previous rhetorical reading activity, write a 75 to 100 word summary that demonstrates a comprehensive, concise, fair, and accurate understanding of the editorial you have chosen to use for Writings 1 and 2.

First, reread “Reading Strategies: Getting to Know the Text” p. 32 and 33 and “Reading Activity: Locating Rhetorical Moves in an Essay in Order to Summarize” bottom p. 33 and p. 34. Using your active reading notes from the previous rhetorical reading activity, write a 75 to 100 word summary that demonstrates a comprehensive, concise, […]

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