Write a critique of the reading(s). What meaning does the material have for you regarding the author’s argument as you understand it? What do you find most convincing or lacking about the author’s argument? Was it supported with evidence? Describe what the reading(s) mean to you.

Social Geography Chapter 3 Identification: Katharine McKinnon Reading Analysis: Mckinnon Write a critique of the reading(s). What meaning does the material have for you regarding the author’s argument as you understand it? What do you find most convincing or lacking about the author’s argument? Was it supported with evidence? Describe what the reading(s) mean to […]

Write 250-word critique of the reading(s). What meaning does the material have for you regarding the author’s argument as you understand it? What do you find most convincing or lacking about the author’s argument? Was it supported with evidence? Describe in 250 words what the reading(s) mean to you

Social Geography Assignment Difference Sarah de Leeuw, Audrey Kobayashi, and Emilie Cameron Write 250-word critique of the reading(s). What meaning does the material have for you regarding the author’s argument as you understand it? What do you find most convincing or lacking about the author’s argument? Was it supported with evidence? Describe in 250 words […]

Identify the specific location for your event, and coordinate your event dates with those of the selected location’s current schedule.

EVENT/ACTIVATION MAPPING Identify the specific location for your event, and coordinate your event dates with those of the selected location’s current schedule. Use Google Maps to identify your specific location, and include satellite and street-view shots in your report. You must then create a map or footprint for your event. The industry preference for creating […]

Discuss what the talk is all about and your engagement with the topic. Relate the topic to a broader discussion of geography; use at least one topic in geography discussed in class.

Connect this webinar to the Alison Blunt reading You are given one opportunity to attend a webinar this semester as part of your reflective essay requirement. You can choose what webinar to attend and write something about it. Follow instructions below to avoid penalties/deductions. Essays should have a word count that ranges from 900-1,200 words […]

Using course lectures, readings and especially the documentary, Invisible Nation, explain how the second half of the novel might be regarded as a metaphor for First Nations, Indigenous, and Métis Peoples’ struggle to make space and place in Canada, despite Canada’s historical resistance to the idea.

Canadian Geopgraphy 1. Choose 1 of the following 2 questions and write a formal, 4-page, double-spaced essay worth 25 points. 2. Use the novel, Sweetland, as your primary focus. 3. You may introduce other course readings and materials, in addition to the novel. 4. You may write more than four pages, if needed. 5. There […]

Describe the projected coordinate system you chose, and why. What is the name of the projection? What type of linear units does it use? What is the longitude of the central meridian? Does it use the equator as the latitude of origin?

Coordinate Systems Description Complete the chapter 3 tutorial (Price, exercises 1-39). Then do the following: Work with the geodatabase you created for New York State in Lab 2 1. Choose a projected coordinate system appropriate for New York State. You should use the appropriate UTM projection 2. Reproject the New York State feature classes you […]

Examine each of the feature classes in the usdata geodatabase and decide which ones can be exported to your geodatabase using the table query or clippin

Description Lab 2: Managing Data Complete the chapter 2 tutorial (pg 59-71). Then follow these steps to create your own geodatabase: 1. Create a new project folder in your gisclass folder (or whatever your class folder is named in your USB). Within it, create a new, empty file geodatabase for data relevant to New York […]

Discuss how your topic has diffused from its origin. Where has it diffused to? What factors led to its diffusion there? What kind of diffusion has it experienced?

The outline format: Your outline must be formatted as described. Note that this format will be assessed in your grade: Use an alphanumeric sequence Sections should be indented and aligned Follow the suggested order of the required elements Use brief and bulleted but detailed and descriptive phrases. The required elements: Your outline should contain the […]

What are the hazards of oil production and transportation in Canada? How are places, landscapes being transformed in Canada as oil is extracted, processed and transported?

Topic: Oil in Canada Paper details: Given the importance of oil to our world today it is an object that is worthy of our consideration. In this class, by drawing upon key writers in geography and other cognate disciplines we have critically examined oil from multiple perspectives. We have learned that the politics surrounding oil […]

Find a theme and datasets for a small project of Web-GIS software and create your webGIS on the there web software listed down.

Description Task: 1. Find a theme and datasets for a small project of Web-GIS software and create your webGIS on the there web software listed down. 2. Use the web-GIS a. Mango Map b. ArcGIS online c. An additional one of YOUR own choice. 3. Find a resource of data you can download and an […]

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