What do the court cases tell us about the extent or conditions of First Amendment protection journalists or media outlets?Discuss

First Amendment, Journalism, and Media Ownership. Objective: 1. Develop and employ an “interdisciplinary” (Communication, Sociology, Political Science) lens to critique the journalist’s role in the media and the media’s role in society. 2.Understand the ethical guidelines and laws that govern journalism in the US. 1.New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964) 2 Miami Herald v. […]

“Technological determinism contains a partial truth” (McKenzie and Wajcman, 1999). Select one media and communication technology, and critically evaluate technological determinism for explaining the relationship between society and technology.

“Technological determinism contains a partial truth” (McKenzie and Wajcman, 1999). Select one media and communication technology, and critically evaluate technological determinism for explaining the relationship between society and technology.

Give three examples of fake news and describe how this news is generated and propagated.

What is the difference between the internet and the web? The internet is the infrastructure of many networks that provide us access to the web which is the server that holds a collection of information. Give three examples of fake news and describe how this news is generated and propagated.

Summarize Hargreaves’s argument. Show me that you understand the historical context and terminology that he is using.

Hargreaves, on pages 17-18 of his chapter on the “Brief History of News Media,” talks about the development of radio and television as being diametrically opposite that of print-based media. Summarize Hargreaves’s argument. Show me that you understand the historical context and terminology that he is using. Hargreaves’s argument is basically stating the development of […]

Describe four ways that journalism was subsidized in the early republic What about subsidizing journalism today? Would this be a good idea?Explain

In “America’s First Information Revolution,” Paul Starr describes how journalism in the United States was subsidized by the government. Describe four ways that journalism was subsidized in the early republic What about subsidizing journalism today? Would this be a good idea?

Describe the John Peter Zenger case and explain its importance for journalists defending themselves against libel.

Due to the disliking of certain printings caused licenses to be issued to print. “By 1730 all attempts to enforce licensing had been abandoned, and the orders granted to colonial governors no longer made any mention of it”. Describe the John Peter Zenger case and explain its importance for journalists defending themselves against libel.

Mark Zuckerberg’s position on censoring social media is essentially the same as John Milton’s argument in Areopagitica. Summarize Milton’s position on censorship (see Standage Chapter 5). Quote from his argument. Compare this position to the views expressed by Zuckerberg.

Mark Zuckerberg’s position on censoring social media is essentially the same as John Milton’s argument in Areopagitica. Summarize Milton’s position on censorship (see Standage Chapter 5). Quote from his argument. Compare this position to the views expressed by Zuckerberg:

How do media representations stereotype cultural ‘others’ in the context of globalisation?Explain

1. Are global brands an expression of cultural imperialism? 2. What is the role of celebrity culture in processes of globalisation? 3. In what ways do media events bring global populations together? 4. How do media representations stereotype cultural ‘others’ in the context of globalisation?

Explore the major themes of the book and discuss what makes them important, and how and why they are important.

7 pages Double-Spaced Times New Roman Size 12 Summarize the book well enough so that you demonstrate that you have read the entire book, understand the entire book, and have thought about the entire book, AND thoroughly critique the book from a scholarly perspective. Describe the book: Is it interesting, memorable, entertaining, instructive? Why? Explore […]

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