Compare the dynamics of economic activity in a Short Run and Long Run.Compare and contrast Physical Capital and Human Capital.

· Compare the dynamics of economic activity in a Short Run and Long Run · Compare and contrast Physical Capital and Human Capital. 8.2 Action Required: Read the article by using the following link: 8.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): Explain Productivity and Human Capital and Physical Capital 8.4 Instructions Answer the given question in […]

Explain carefully the difference between GDP and GNP. Why aren’t intermediate goods counted in GDP? Explain what is meant by the concept of “value added” and how it can be used to calculate GDP.

PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS QUIZ #2 – COVERING CHAPTERS 5-7 DUE BACK ON SEPTEMBER 28TH INSTRUCTIONS: Please show your work / explain your answers or you will lose credit. Discuss what is meant by the Classical belief that the economy is self-correcting. When did this theory break apart?What might be some Keynesian prescriptions to get the […]

Congress passes an investment tax credit, which reduces a firms taxes if it installs new machinery and equipment.

Policies for Economic Growth Explain which of the following policies you believe are likely to increase the rate of economic growth in the United States. a. Congress passes an investment tax credit, which reduces a firms taxes if it installs new machinery and equipment. b. Congress passes a law that allows taxpayers to reduce their […]

Discus the evolution of the different components of consumption during the recent covid shock and the expected future evolution.

Macroeconomic Aggregates Describe the evolution of the share of the following components over GDP for the period 1929-2021 • Personal consumption expenditures (C) • Gross private domestic investment (I) • Net exports of goods and services (X-M) • Government consumption expenditures and gross investment (G) Discus the evolution of the different components of consumption during […]

(a) Write down the consolidated life time budget constraint for the households using T1 and T2.

Macroeconomics 1. Let r = 0 and β = 1. Households live for two periods and have utility log(c1) + log(c2) and pre-tax income $3000 each period. The government needs to finance a project in the first period that costs $300 each household. Policy 1: tax $300 in the first period. Policy 2: issue debt […]

Review the attached and write a two paragraph summary of what you consider to be the most important points and a two paragraph opinion relative to the overall message relative to the experiences of households.

Variation in the Inflation Experiences of Households Look at a transcript of a speech given by one of the Board of Governors of the Federal Open Market Committee. Review the attached and write a two paragraph summary of what you consider to be the most important points and a two paragraph opinion relative to the […]

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