Design a two-day training program for a group of 20 employees. Identify 2–3 training needs through a training needs analysis (TNA) and justify an approach for this training.

Create a written proposal in which you detail the complete design of an employee training program Instructions Write a 6–8 page paper in which you: Design a two-day training program for a group of 20 employees. Identify 2–3 training needs through a training needs analysis (TNA) and justify an approach for this training. Develop the […]

Choose one of these companies and then research their historical failures to explain the role culture played in their destruction.Describe the unethical practices they employed that ultimately led to their failure.

Leadership Theory Description There are many companies in the past that have fallen victim to promoting a negative and toxic organizational culture. Choose one of these companies (Lehman Brothers, WorldCom Freddie Mac, Tyco, Enron, Health South, AIG, or Saytam) and then research their historical failures (citing all sources) to explain the role culture played in […]

After careful review of the readings for this week, describe the positive and negative practices employed by either your current or past workplace in their attempt to address diversity and inclusion.

Leadership Theory Description After careful review of the readings for this week, describe the positive and negative practices employed by either your current or past workplace in their attempt to address diversity and inclusion. How was the organization pro-diversity?Or did the organization lack diversity, and if so, explain. What has been the response from your […]

Explain the cross-border strategic moves your company faces by expanding into the international market (read pages 206–211 in your textbook).

Using Analytic Tools for Strategic Decision-Making The text book we use for reference is below Thompson, A. A., Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J., & Strickland, A. J. (2020). Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases (22nd ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. Scenario: Choose an award-winning company from the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program website to […]

Companies create business records of many types and store the electronic files using an electronic records management (ERM) system.

Module Review: Questions This Module Review assignment requires you to answer complex questions that are related to the topics presented in the module readings and have been designed to develop your critical thinking skills. Use the course textbook AND outside primary sources to obtain data that support your answers. Follow the guidelines in the Requirements […]

Identify, describe, communicate and apply concepts from quality improvement theories to enhance the role of the nurse as change agent, client advocate and advocate for the profession.

Quality Improvement Project Purpose: Identify, describe, communicate and apply concepts from quality improvement theories to enhance the role of the nurse as change agent, client advocate and advocate for the profession.

Write a 6–8 page paper in which you: Design a two-day training program for a group of 20 employees. Identify 2–3 training needs through a training needs analysis (TNA) and justify an approach for this training.

Create a written proposal in which you detail the complete design of an employee training program Instructions Write a 6–8 page paper in which you: Design a two-day training program for a group of 20 employees. Identify 2–3 training needs through a training needs analysis (TNA) and justify an approach for this training. Develop the […]

Explain the quality standards to be met by your project. Describe the metrics by which your project quality will be evaluated and how they will be measured. 

Resources: Textbook: Chapter 6: Planning Projects, Part 3 (INCLUDED IN UPLOAD) PMBOK Guide and Standards – Note: On the website, review the following areas: PMBOK guide & Standards; certifications and learning. Coorientation theory and assessment of the RFP solution to client/service learner matchmaking (INCLUDED IN UPLOAD) Powerpoint – 6e06 Reunanen, T. (2015). Human factor in time management […]

Write a report to help their chosen organisation/industry prepare to meet the sustainability challenges it is likely to encounter by 2050.

Sustainability & Innovation Report Write a report to help their chosen organisation/industry prepare to meet the sustainability challenges it is likely to encounter by 2050. The report will also require them to consider the innovations necessary to meet the sustainability challenges identified.

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