What is the role of a case study and of a policy paper as a decision-making tool? What are the major elements of a case study and of a policy paper? What are the evaluative criteria for a case study and for a policy paper in general and the homeland security community in particular?

Challenge : Practical Assessment of Homeland Security Analytical Writing Case studies and policy papers are common and useful tools in any government domain, including homeland security. In this challenge, you are asked to put yourself into the position of a policy maker in the homeland security community – for example, a program or agency head, legislative staff […]

What one idea that came out of the Enlightenment period had a major impact on the politics and nations of the modern world?Explain

Question: What one idea that came out of the Enlightenment period had a major impact on the politics and nations of the modern world? Instructions: A. Select ONE of the following ideas from the Enlightenment that you believe had the most impact on the modern world: • Natural Rights • Social Contract • Separation Powers […]

Choose at least one of the “Big Three” Third Parties. Explore their sites and answer question. Summarize information in your own words.

America has an interesting assortment of minor political parties. Use this Directory of U.S. Political Parties https://www.politics1.com/parties.htm and select two Third Parties from the list that you would like to learn more about. Choose at least one of the “Big Three” Third Parties. Explore their sites and answer question. Summarize information in your own words. […]

Which category of threats (Manmade or Natural) do you think are the most critical to U.S. security?Support your work with credible sources.

Directions Write an initial post of 275 words answering the following question below use 3 references below in addition to any outside references. Use links for readings Question The readings this week focus on threats and risks to the nation. The readings present many natural and human-caused threats and risks. Based on the readings, write a 250-word […]

Having provided a synopsis of CRT,assess the stories of the Forman and Shafia murders using a CRT lens. Are there similarities between the two stories? Are they depicted similarly in media accounts? Are they treated similarly in the legal realm? What does a CRT lens have to show us?

Critical Race Theory (CRT) Description Jacob Forman and Mohammed Shafia both murdered their families. The media coverage of the murders is the subject matter of this assignment, which has two parts. First, students will explain what Critical Race Theory (“CRT”) is. What are CRT’s most important insights and principles? What purposes does CRT serve? Clearly, […]

Understanding the characteristics of terrorism. Identify the 3 or 4 characteristics that you think most define terrorism? Use an example from the Mumbai attack to support your choices.

Case Assignment Using the base resources provided in the Module, the syllabus and supported by additional individual research for credible government, academic and grey literature sources, address the following questions in a properly formatted APA paper of at least 1,000 words and no more than 2,000 words (generally between 5 to 8 pages in length in APA […]

After watching the Lectures on Libertarian theory, explain its three main principles as stated in the Lectures. Then, read the scenario in the link below. Discuss the scenario first in terms of what position a Libertarian would take on it and why.

After watching the Lectures on Libertarian theory, explain its three main principles as stated in the Lectures. Then, read the scenario in the link below. Discuss the scenario first in terms of what position a Libertarian would take on it and why. Then, take a position on the scenario yourself and argue for your position. […]

Why do feminists believe that gender should be studied in global politics and what does this tell us about ‘rationalist theories’ of global politics?Explain

Why do feminists believe that gender should be studied in global politics and what does this tell us about ‘rationalist theories’ of global politics? Some books articles recommended: * Rethinking Theory in International Feminist Journal of Politics by V. Spike Peterson * Queer Patriarchies, Queer Racism, International in Antipode by Heidi J Nast * The […]

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