What does the fear of “race suicide” articulated by Theodore Roosevelt say about motherhood and women’s roles? Whose motherhood was privileged?

Assignment instructions: Answer the below question regarding the discussion topic. Topic: From 1880 to 1930, some 27 million immigrants poured into the United States, many of them Catholic or Jewish immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. Immigrants of all backgrounds had traits considered by many to be “un-American”. Immigrant women in particular faced prejudice and […]

Marxism and Marxian Theories: Was Marx’s analysis of global politics simply ahead of its time? Explain

Marxism and Marxian Theories: Was Marx’s analysis of global politics simply ahead of its time? Assessment Criteria Essays will be assessed with reference to these overall criteria: 1. The extent to which an argument has been provided in response to the question 2. The extent to which the argument is well supported with accurate and […]

What relevance has the Just War tradition for modern armed conflict?Explain

Essay writing guideline Subject: International Relations Essay topic: What relevance has the Just War tradition for modern armed conflict? 1. The essay is to be written in an academic style, including referencing using the Harvard referencing system. One of the recommend sources for this essay: Johnson, James. Turner (2017) ‘Three perspectives on just war’, International […]

Compare and contrast the utility of Cristina Beltrán’s and Casey Ryan Kelly’s books for illuminating the events of January 6th.

Compare and contrast the utility of Cristina Beltrán’s and Casey Ryan Kelly’s books for illuminating the events of January 6th. Address some or all of the following questions: Is one more useful than the other, or are they both equally useful (or perhaps equally useless)? Do they illuminate similar or different aspects of what happened […]

Compare and contrast the research questions in your 5 articles.

Immigration Literature Review Literature Review : The article summaries were about summarizing each article individually. A literature review organizes and analyzes multiple sources COMPARATIVELY. Compare and contrast the research questions in your 5 articles. Compare and contrast the hypotheses being tested across the 5 articles. Compare and contrast the data being examined across the articles. […]

Do we see a “steady march toward greater liberty” or do we see recurring periods in which freedoms are lost and won? Discuss in your answer the two sides of liberty.

Topic: Journal speaking about the two sides of liberty Paper details: Topic: America’s national anthem declares America “the land of the free” but scholars disagree about how to interpret liberty and freedom in America historically. Do we see a “steady march toward greater liberty” or do we see recurring periods in which freedoms are lost […]

Explain how your demographic variable has affected the election results, and  refer to the differences between the 2016 and 2020 elections.

Topic: elections Paper details: For this assignment, you are expected to write a short answer. Follow the following steps to submit your assignment: 1. Let’s assume that you are hosting an international student in your place who is visiting the U.S. Luckily, they have a chance to observe the Presidential elections (2020). However, things are […]

Outline the institutional architecture of the European Union. In your judgement, which of the EU institutions is the most powerful? Substantiate your point of view.

Institutional architecture of the European Union Description Outline the institutional architecture of the European Union. In your judgement, which of the EU institutions is the most powerful? Substantiate your point of view. Try to use the articles that I have put in the additional materials section, as much and where you can.

Are there aspects of socio-political reality that one methodology can answer that the other cannot?Explain

Qualitative versus quantitative methodology Answer the following prompt in an essay of 2-3 double-spaced pages. Essays may be longer if you like, but a comprehensive answer should be a minimum of 2-3 pages. You should refer to course readings, videos, and/or lectures to illustrate your points. No additional sources are necessary, but you are free […]

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