Thinking about Congress, what is meant by “representation?” Do you believe that the U.S. Congress is representative of people like you? Why or why not?

How Representative is Congress? Thinking about Congress, what is meant by “representation?” Do you believe that the U.S. Congress is representative of people like you? Why or why not? Background Materials 1. OpenStax, Chapter 11 2. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “Political Representation.” 3. Legistorm, “Congress by the Numbers”

Why is the bulk of expenditure in two main areas – agriculture and cohesion policy – and what explains the decline of agriculture and the rise of cohesion spending?

Explaining EU expenditure policies There are three interrelated issues concerning EU expenditure policies that need explaining: • Why does the EU tax and spend to the amount that it does – in other words, why is the EU budget so small? • Why is the bulk of expenditure in two main areas – agriculture and […]

Are data from your experience especially high or low relative to another country? What does that imply in terms of your lived experience?

Compare Descriptive Education Data: Assignment Instructions: 1. This assignment requires the external website listed as a source below and the use of a spreadsheet program, such as Excel or Google Sheets. 2. Respond to the prompts on this sheet. Write in full sentences, and choose descriptive statistics such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation […]

Write a worksheet answering the questions 1 to 5 of the project guidelines. Attached all the resources needed to complete the assignment.

Blackout in Puerto Rico Write a worksheet answering the questions 1 to 5 of the project guidelines. Attached all the resources needed to complete the assignment. In the assignment guidelines is the link to the video. You will have to watch the video before answering the questions listed in Part 1.

What are the strengths and shortcomings of the other students’ arguments? How could their arguments be strengthened?

Discussion on the following instructions below Is globalization a good thing or bad? Is it making the world richer or poorer? Does globalization promote international understanding and tolerance or does it threaten local cultures? Post a thread in either the Globalization Is Good or Globalization Is Bad folder no later than midnight, January 28, and […]

Write a 1,000+ word essay describing how/where the people should fit into the checks and balances model. For example, should the people have the right to vote on legislation? To impeach the president? To vote on federal court appointees? Be creative but realistic.

Book read: We The People  2021 Assignment: Our system of checks and balances is designed to protect the citizenry from an overly powerful government. You can see this in Figure 2.2: “Checks and Balances,” in We the People. But nowhere in this graphic is any reference to the people , even though our democracy is […]

Should the United States join the International Criminal Court? Would U.S. membership help promote international justice or would it expose American officials and service-people to politically motivated harassment?

Should the United States join the International Criminal Court? Would U.S. membership help promote international justice or would it expose American officials and service-people to politically motivated harassment? If you support American membership, explain why in the U.S. In the ICC thread; if you oppose U.S. membership, explain why in the U.S. Out of the […]

What would it take to increase political engagement among citizens of all backgrounds? What barriers to participation do you observe among your friends and family? What reforms would help?

Political participation takes many forms, from voting to running for office, from protesting to lobbying elected officials. Write a 1,000+ word essay that answers ALL of the following questions: What would it take to increase political engagement among citizens of all backgrounds? What barriers to participation do you observe among your friends and family? What […]

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