Create a works cited page. Use the attached outline for reference in writing the paper. Take the position that sex education should NOT be taught in U.S. schools.

Sex Education Debate Take the preparation outline for the debate on sex education and turn it into an essay. This would basically entail writing up the argument, then briefly summarizing opposing arguments and writing up the rebuttal. Create a works cited page. Use the attached outline for reference in writing the paper. Take the position […]

Should certain weapons be banned? Should certain people be banned from owning weapons? What will any of this do to prevent or at least reduce instances of gun violence? Do you think that there is even an issue? Do you have an alternative approach to protecting against mass shootings?

As discussed in my announcement video, these are going to be short, optional assignments that you may execute for extra credit. I am not going to restrict them, by much, but keep in mind the proverb, “you get what you give.” They will be listed at “0” points. This means if you do not complete […]

Compare and contrast the Nevada Constitution and the United States Constitution. Be sure to include in discussion of the following areas: -Branches of government.

Nevada Constitution and the United States Constitution Essay Assignment Paper Essay Topic: Question: In a thoughtful and detailed essay, compare and contrast the Nevada Constitution and the United States Constitution. Be sure to include in discussion of the following areas: -Branches of government -Amendment process -For example, the term of offices and requirements in the […]

How does Smith’s completely new description/understanding of a country’s wealth change the approach to trade? What does this recasting of wealth say about his view of humanity?

The Real Adam Smith (2016) by Johan Norberg In class we watched Part 2 of The Real Adam Smith: Markets and Morality. The following questions on Part 2 are a regular assignment worth 20 points. Part 1 is also link on D2L and has accompanying questions you many answer for BONUS POINTS. Your answers should […]

Identify at least one belief, attitude, or perspective that you held about an aspect of the criminal justice.

Identify at least one belief, attitude, or perspective that you held about an aspect of the criminal justice. system prior to covering the material in this chapter folder that has significantly changed as a result of what you have seen, heard, or read within the context of this course and specifically this chapter. Part 1-You […]

Briefly summarize the most important elements of the plot of the film. How does the film view those aspects of politics that we have discussed in class? Relate the film to specific readings that we have done in class. In your analysis, be sure to make use of specific scenes and specific quotes from the film.

Guidelines for Film Essay Pick a film from the list below. For the film you choose, write a clear and concise 1000-word essay addressing the following points: Briefly summarize the most important elements of the plot of the film. How does the film view those aspects of politics that we have discussed in class? Relate […]

Summarize the points made in the video. Given his presentation, what are his thoughts about COVID-19? Do you agree with him? Given what he says about COVID-19, have we generally been justified in our response to the virus? Why or why not? Make sure you use quotation marks and proper citation. Summarize and analyze all quotes you choose to use.

Watch the following video. Summarize the points made in the video. Given his presentation, what are his thoughts about COVID-19? Do you agree with him? Given what he says about COVID-19, have we generally been justified in our response to the virus? Why or why not? Make sure you use quotation marks and proper […]

Who are the different players whose everyday behaviour is creating the problem?What is the specific problem you’ve chosen to focus on?

Okay so we are talking about the waste specifically after they have made the clothes, so the clothes that dont sell and go to landfills and get burnt or incinerated and stuff like that Developing a purpose-led business idea starts with a deep understanding of a specific problem you’d like your business to transform. Your […]

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