Choose and describe one of the five key concepts from the Upanishads.Explain how this concept relates to any of the other four or to other expressions of Indian spirituality.

Discussion: Hinduism Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 3 Lesson Link (online PDF): The Upanishads (Links to an external site.) (Skim the first few chapters or locate a specific section in the table of contents. You are not responsible to read the entire text.) Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in […]

Briefly describe your chosen theory as believed by the theorist. Defend your choice by discussing why this theory is the best explanation as to the origin of religions. Option 2

Discussion: The Study of Religion Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 1 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook/lesson) Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, respond to only one of the following options: Option 1 Choose one (1) of the following psychological views on the […]

In etic, explain how an objective researcher would describe the religion including specific elements. In emic, explain how a practicing member would see the same reality.

Understanding Religion Essay Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 1 Lesson Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook/lesson) Instructions Choose only one (1) of the following two options: Option 1: Eight Characteristics of Religion In an essay, address the following: Identify and briefly describe the eight key […]

Select two (2) of the following pairs and compare each of the terms (in that pair) as it is understood and practiced in the religious traditions of both Hinduism and Buddhism.

Buddhist and Hindu Beliefs Comparison Essay Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 3 & 4 Weeks 2 and 3 lessons Minimum of 4 scholarly sources – at least 2 for Hinduism & 2 for Buddhism (in addition to the textbook/lesson) Instructions Select two (2) of the following pairs and compare each of […]

Should worship be “organized” or is it better to worship on your own? In other words, is it better for the soul to worship with others or is it okay to solely spend time in solitude?Discuss

Should worship be “organized” or is it better to worship on your own? In other words, is it better for the soul to worship with others or is it okay to solely spend time in solitude?  

The Editor of Bible Study Magazine has commissioned you to create an infographic/article for an upcoming volume on “ Polemical Letters” focussing on Galatians generally and on Galatians 2:10-14 specifically.Create an infographic/article for an upcoming volume on “ Polemical Letters” focussing on Galatians 2:10-14.

Critical Analysis – Infographic Article Description The Editor of Bible Study Magazine has commissioned you to create an infographic/article for an upcoming volume on “ Polemical Letters” focussing on Galatians generally and on Galatians 2:10-14 specifically. The Editor has directed your attention to the similar “Start to Finish” infographic articles by Johnny Cisneros , which […]

Share your thoughts about the faith leader interview with Shih Ying-Fa. What interested or surprised you about his own story as well as his comments about Buddhism?

Spelling and grammar count 1) Watch the following three videos and answer the following questions about only ONE of the videos, which you choose to talk about. a) the Sand Mandala video ( b) the Hindu Temple dedication video ( c) the Buddhist meditation interview ( What did you find to be interesting or surprising […]

Evaluate a current artist myth using the Hero’s Journey. Carefully review the Hero’s Journey power point and select a movie or one episode of a TV show and apply the Hero’s journey to that particular movie or episode.

Evaluate a current artist myth using the Hero’s Journey. Carefully review the Hero’s Journey power point and select a movie or one episode of a TV show and apply the Hero’s journey to that particular movie or episode. You are restricted to English language movies, not translations. You may only use a movie or one […]

What is an “author” as described by Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault and what is the controversy surrounding “the death of the author”?

The death of the author The themes of authors, author-functions, and audiences have been pivotal for the last part of the class. What is an “author” as described by Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault and what is the controversy surrounding “the death of the author”? Along with discussing these, engage the idea of “authorship” in […]

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