To what degree does Jesus’ life and death conform to, or explicate, Pope Francis’ sayings and the Church’s teachings? Moreover, how might Jesus’ life and death function as a template for our own approach to how we might confront evil and suffering?Discuss

Description Pope Francis has a number of profound saying in response to suffering, amongst others, “Lord, help us to recognize you in the sick, poor and suffering”; “Like the Good Samaritan, may we not be ashamed of touching the wounds of those who suffer, but try to heal them with concrete acts of love”; “There […]

Write an essay on each of the three chosen texts.

Title: Religion in the U.S. Today Write an essay on each of the three chosen texts. These essays (of about three pages each) should describe the book, focus on the author’s arguments, and point of view, and offer their own reflections/analysis/critique of the author’s presentation. Book name: When religion becomes evil by Charles Kimball

Write a paper based on your video experience of a time and space of Christian worship.

Purpose: To exhibit an understanding of the elements of worship and the use of time and space within the Christian faith tradition achieved through observation, analysis, assessment, and integration. What: Write a paper based on your video experience of a time and space of Christian worship. For this assignment, you will need to “attend” by […]

Lev 23 & Nums 9, what is going on in these books of Lev & Numbers in and around chapter 23 & Number 9? Include how do the two texts present the celebration of Passover? What are the differences between each passages’ presentation?

Comparative Exegetical Study of Leviticus 23 & Numbers 9 The academic style is TURABIAN and includes pages and complete publishing information. 1. In the introduction, you should name the two passages: Lev 23 & Num 9, which are the subject of investigation and provide a concise overview of your discussion. 2. Each chosen passage should […]

Relying on Charles Taylor’s exposition of authenticity in The Malaise of Modernity, compare and contrast the search for an authentic life as articulated in Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and An Interrupted Life, by Etty Hillesum.

Description Relying on Charles Taylor’s exposition of authenticity in The Malaise of Modernity, compare and contrast the search for an authentic life as articulated in Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and An Interrupted Life, by Etty Hillesum. How are they the same? How are they different?What do these books teach us about […]

How does the author argue, defend and develop the claim? Ultimately, to what conclusions does the author come?

Simply Christian by N.T. Wright For your introduction to the paper, first identify the author’s claim, then provide an analytical statement about the author’s claim. This analytical statement should reflect what you will argue throughout the rest of this paper. (10 points) Analysis: how does the author argue, defend and develop the claim? Ultimately, to […]

Describe significant life experiences that have affected your view of self, God and the world. Include references to family members and significant others, courses and experiences in college, church, service-related activities and employment.

1. Significant life experiences that have affected your view of self, God and the world. Include references to family members and significant others, courses and experiences in college, church, service-related activities and employment. 2. Aspects of your background that inform the unique perspective you would add to the diverse and vibrant community that exists at […]

Compare and contrast Judaism with Christianity. What elements or features or ideas do they share in common with each other?

Description Compare and contrast Judaism with Christianity. What elements or features or ideas do they share in common with each other? What specific sorts of similarities seem to exist between them? On the other hand, how (or in what specific ways) do they differ from each other? What elements or features or ideas are unique […]

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