Have a look at the nouns, adjectives, and verbs and their meaning in the text. How could you group those words? Explain any peculiarities

It is an exegtical commentry of a bible verse. Amos 3:12-15: thus says the LORD, “Just as the shepherd snatches from the lion’s mouth a couple of legs or a piece of an ear, So will the sons of Israel dwelling in Samaria be snatched away– With the corner of a bed and the cover […]

Using the 9 items to consider when reading sentences as listed in chapter 3 of Grasping God’s Word list as many observations as you can find in Acts 1:8.

The student will post two (2) threads of 400 words each and you must support your assertions with at three (3) scholarly citations from a minimum of two (2) sources in current Turabian format. Each reply must incorporate at least one (1) scholarly citation in current Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published […]

Post the summary of one recent news article, video, podcast, or other online media relevant to religion. Each summary should include a link to the article or resource.

Post the summary of one recent news article, video, podcast, or other online media relevant to religion. Each summary should include a link to the article or resource. When selecting your article or resource, consider the source and use good judgment. Also, in terms of news articles, please make sure the article is recent (within […]

Which doctrine of salvation between the Protestantism and Catholicism makes the most sense to you? Are you with the Catholic or Protestant doctrine? Provide your learned reasoning for the answer, based on your reading of Prothero’s and Smith’s.

a. Which doctrine of salvation between the Protestantism and Catholicism makes the most sense to you? Are you with the Catholic or Protestant doctrine? Provide your learned reasoning for the answer, based on your reading of Prothero’s and Smith’s. Write in no more than 250 words but no less than 200 words. b. Reply to […]

Why Is the Ultra-Conservative or Fundamentalist Version of Christianity (or Religion in General) Gaining the Ground in Today’s U.S. Society?Explain

Essay on Contemporary Issue: Why Is the Ultra-Conservative or Fundamentalist Version of Christianity (or Religion in General) Gaining the Ground in Today’s U.S. Society? a. The radicalization of Islamic religion in the Western world including the U.S. may not be endemic to the Islamic community. Speaking only in the context of the U.S. society, as […]

What is the role and purpose of human beings in both stories? Which world would you prefer to live in, the world described by Genesis chapter 1, or the Enuma Elish?Explain

Ancient Creation Stories and Genesis 1 Genesis chapter 1 and the Babylonian Creation Story Watch this 8 minute video featuring Yale University professor Dr. Christine Hayes discussing the basics of the Enuma Elish (the ancient Babylonian story of creation). In a one page essay (1″ margins, 12pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced) compare and contrast […]

What do you believe the 3 most prominent characteristics of a human service professional should be? How do these characteristics compare to those desirable for Christians, as described in Scripture?Explain

What do you believe the 3 most prominent characteristics of a human service professional should be? How do these characteristics compare to those desirable for Christians, as described in Scripture? Which of these characteristics do you see in yourself and what will you work on to obtain essential characteristics you may not have acquired yet? […]

Choose one of these nine worldviews below to write about in this paper

Self-Selected Apologetics Argument: Thesis Statement – Opening Stage Assignment Instructions Overview The function of a topic statement is to provide the reader or hearer with a clear idea of the presenter’s purpose. A good  topic statement guides every part of the presentation. Knowing how to formulate a good thesis statement appropriate to the presentation is […]

Produce a one page first year budget to cover the costs of the ministry. You have $25,000.00 to allocate to the family ministry. Show a working budget to propose to leadership.

Family Ministry This assignment is the capstone assignment of the course, allowing students to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of family life ministry as they apply to an actual sample congregation. Prepare a report that includes two parts: 1) a Congregational Family Needs Analysis and 2) a Ministry Plan of Action. The report will […]

Complete a 3-4 page review of a book dealing with one of the major areas of doctrine in the course. Provide a brief summary of the book’s contents, and then the majority of the review will provide a critical assessment of the author’s argument.

Book report Complete a 3-4 page review of a book dealing with one of the major areas of doctrine in the course. Provide a brief summary of the book’s contents, and then the majority of the review will provide a critical assessment of the author’s argument. The review should close with a final paragraph noting […]

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