How does the nonbiblical person experience the Absolute? How does the One, the Infinite, the Totality make room for the others and their freedom? Do we really exist as autonomous beings or are we simply parts of the All, the One, the Totality? What is the great problem of the One and the Many? How do pantheism and Hinduism answer this problem? What are the three ways of solving this puzzle? Evaluate them.

CHICAGO STYLE Paper. Instructions in the Word document. This essay is only based on a small portion inside on one of Balthazar’s books. Go down to page 97. From there Write a 4 page essay on #15. Titled “longing for god: philosophical” which is on page 97, 98, and 99. Longing for God: Philosophical We […]

Show that you have understood this core tenet of Buddhism. Write, why human life and existence are sufferings by reference to desire. Use your own example.

Discussion on Human Condition and Salvation/Liberation. a. Show that you have understood this core tenet of Buddhism. Write, why human life and existence are sufferings by reference to desire. Use your own example. Second, explain how the Right View, the most important Path of the Noble Eight-Fold Path, can help stop desiring and thereby human […]

Prepare an essay on Comparative Religious Study: “Elite Religion” vs. “Popular Religion.”

Essay on Comparative Religious Study: “Elite Religion” vs. “Popular Religion.” a. First, opine your view if religion can be divided into elite and popular types. If true, then there will be no Buddhists or Hindus or Christians or Muslims, but “religious elites” and “religious commoners.” In other words, there are only two religions in the […]

Post the summary of one recent news article, video, podcast, or other online media relevant to religion.Write in no more than 250 but longer than at least 200 words.

Religion in the News Post the summary of one recent news article, video, podcast, or other online media relevant to religion. Each summary should include a link to the article or resource. When selecting your article or resource, consider the source and use good judgment. Also, in terms of news articles, please make sure the […]

Why is this project important? How will this work make a real contribution to the church in its ministry?

PROPOSAL PURPOSE STATEMENT By the time you get this handbook, you should already have a research project or thesis in mind and will be starting to work on your purpose statement, especially your Major Question. In many ways, this is the most important part of your project as everything else is guided by your major […]

Kingdom: Creating Incarnational Communities by Matt Smay & Hugh Halte.Share specifically how the book was or was not helpful as you plan, develop, grow, and mature your ministry.

Tangible Kingdom: Creating Incarnational Communities by Matt Smay & Hugh Halte Book Report Book: Kingdom: Creating Incarnational Communities by Matt Smay & Hugh Halte. The paper should be 15 pages long. a. Provide a detailed summary of the book b. Include a theological critique of the book based on our Lutheran understandings and confessions c. […]

Choose three people from chapters 5 or 6 and provide an overview of each of them and why you chose them.

Choose three people from chapters 5 or 6 and provide an overview of each of them and why you chose them. The book for this assignment is Mikhitarian, B. (2015). Many Faces, One Voice: Secrets from The Anonymous People. Central Recovery Press. Las Vegas, NV. ISBN 10: 1937612937 ISBN 13: 9781937612931. Side note:

Examine basic religious beliefs common to all forms of Buddhism. How does it compare to basic Hindu religious beliefs?

World Religion Description Examine basic religious beliefs common to all forms of Buddhism. How does it compare to basic Hindu religious beliefs? Include GED250 World Religion on each page of written assignment (this is in case your materials become separated). • Begin each written assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by […]

Write a 800-word critical review for the following book: Eugene Peterson, Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity (any edition).

Critical review on Eugene Peterson, Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity (any edition). Description Write a 800-word critical review for the following book: Eugene Peterson, Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity (any edition). Students are required to set out their book review assignment according to the below criteria. The Turabian bibliographical […]

Explore the challenges of “distance” in understanding the Bible in the 21st -century.

Explore the challenges of “distance” in understanding the Bible in the 21st -century. Description Explore the challenges of “distance” in understanding the Bible and present your findings to a 21st-century audience. Your presentation should: • The Presentation is for New Christians • Highlight the key challenges of biblical interpretation • Explore whether and how the […]

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