Based on your research, what are some insights that biblical criticism provides into the meaning or significance of this passage?Explain

In this paper, you will further explore the discipline of biblical criticism introduced in our class. For this paper, you will write on a scripture passage chosen from a list provided by the instructor. You will be assigned a passage through a sign up process (Links to an external site.) which will take into account […]

 Create an annotated bibliography for the references in the document.

 Create an annotated bibliography for the references in the document. Hartmann, D., Zhang, X., & Wischstadt, W. (2005). One (Multicultural) Nation Under God? Changing Uses and Meanings of the Term” Judeo-Christian” in the American Media. Journal of Media and Religion, 4(4), 207-234. Rendtorff, J. D. (2013). The history of the philosophy of management and corporations. Handbook Of […]

What was Luther’s theology? How did explain the relationship between humans and God in a way that was different than Catholicism?Explain

For this discussion, watch the four parts of the film Luther below. This movie details the life of the reformer Luther. After watching the movie, answer the questions below. Luther Movie Part 1 (Links to an external site.) Luther Movie Part 2 (Links to an external site.) Luther Movie Part 3 (Links to an external […]

How has your view of theology changed over the duration of this course?Discuss.

Reflection Essay Instructions We started this course by considering that everyone is a theologian because everyone has thoughts about God. You considered how you form your thoughts of who God is and what God does. In Module/Week 1, you reflected on your experience with theology and your study of theology in the past. For this […]

Which aspect(s) of Confucian ideologies or ritual practices do you think would be most suited to the society that you live in today? How would these ideologies or rituals benefit society and why?Explain

Which aspect(s) of Confucian ideologies or ritual practices do you think would be most suited to the society that you live in today? How would these ideologies or rituals benefit society and why?

Economists say competition in the free market is a good way to organize society, does that preference also apply to competition among pastors and churches, and religions?Explain

Devotions 4-5-Economics Description 1. Jesus once stated “As much as you do unto the least of these you do unto me”. Given that much of the world’s population lives on approximately $ 2 per day and reports suggest that the wealthiest people in the world own as much or more than the world’s poorest 50% […]

Research and find an example of a ritual (religious activity) or object (item with religious significance) that could be described as both aprotropaic magic and from a syncretic background.Describe the ritual or object, its cultural background, why you believe it is an example of aprotropaic magic, and describe its syncretic background.

Assignment Prompt: You are responsible for researching and finding an example of a ritual (religious activity) or object (item with religious significance) that could be described as both aprotropaic magic and from a syncretic background. In the paper you will describe the ritual or object, its cultural background, why you believe it is an example […]

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