How might Matthew’s presentation of Jesus intersect with one of the scenarios from the modern world described below in the various case study prompts?Explain

How does gospel of Matthew present Jesus The signature assignment paper will offer an  argument about understanding the gospel of Matthew. The paper itself should address three related topics: 1. How does the gospel of Matthew present Jesus? 2. How might Matthew’s presentation of Jesus intersect with one of the scenarios from the modern world […]

Write 2-4 sentences summarizing the element and describing how you would present that part of the story to your friend.

Gospel Communication Application and CQ geared towards my neighbor from the Island of Trinidad and Tobago. Description Prepare to share the Gospel by outlining the Story of God you would share. As we have discussed the Grand Narrative of scripture, we have covered many different topics and stories from the Bible, but there are several […]

Joseph was a manager, first in the household of Potiphar (Genesis 39.1-6) and then again when he was in charge of grain purchase, storage, and distribution in a time of famine in Egypt (Genesis 41.41-57). He succeeded in both instances. Reflect on how specifically Joseph’s responsibilities, obligations, and choices in Potiphar’s household and/or as ‘prime minister’ in Egypt may be similar or different from today’s medium level supervisor or manager.

DEVOTIONS-ECON Description 1. Joseph was a manager, first in the household of Potiphar (Genesis 39.1-6) and then again when he was in charge of grain purchase, storage, and distribution in a time of famine in Egypt (Genesis 41.41-57). He succeeded in both instances. Reflect on how specifically Joseph’s responsibilities, obligations, and choices in Potiphar’s household […]

Select any two of the classical texts we have studied in the course. Compare and contrast these texts and analyze them in light of the Catholic spiritual tradition.

Real Presence in the Eucharist  Short paper (3-5 pages) For your first paper, select any two of the classical texts we have studied in the course. Compare and contrast these texts and analyze them in light of the Catholic spiritual tradition. o Saint John Chrysostom, “Homily 46 (John 6:41-53),” pages 101-110 in John A. Hardon, […]

Examine the chosen entertainment piece and provide a critical analysis. Incorporate what you have learned from the class lectures, readings, and theories into your discussion.

Witches, Witchcraft, Magic, or the Occult. Description Guideline 3 pages. A critical analysis of a film, TV show, Novel, Comic, Video Game, etc. Pick a specific entertainment piece (film, comic, etc.) that incorporates, or deals explicitly, with the concepts of Witches, Witchcraft, Magic, or the Occult. Examine the chosen entertainment piece and provide a critical […]

What is a worldview? Define what the term “worldview” means. Use descriptive phrases to support your definition.

Worldview Paper Instructions In preparation for the Worldview Paper by completing your textbook readings, you will be equipped to respond by objectively compiling information from a variety of sources to compose a Worldview Paper; applying critical thinking strategies; identifying informal logical fallacies commonly used in argumentation; defining the term worldview; and identifying components of a […]

Use this Annotated Bibliography to argue how Philemon was important as the disciples.

Use this Annotated Bibliography to argue how Philemon was important as the disciples. Exegetical Paper— A 2,0000 words-8 pages double space Build and use the annotated information and other theological writings. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF PHILEMON Jordaan, Pierre J., and S. Philip Nolte. “Reading Philemon as Therapeutic Narrative” In “Reading Philemon as Therapeutic […]

In 750-1000 words, write a critical reflection paper that makes a substantive connection between a current event and a key concept or theme from the Immortal Diamond book.

Description Assignment Explanation In 750-1000 words, write a critical reflection paper that makes a substantive connection between a current event and a key concept or theme from the Immortal Diamond book. The purpose of reflecting on Richard Rohr’s book in light of something currently happening in the world is to explore the premise that spirituality […]

Why have things changed so much for women’s role in society through Christianity vs Islam?

The changing status of women in society – Islam and Christianity Why have things changed so much for women’s role in society through Christianity vs Islam? What do you think of the verses/texts about the way women and described and their roles historically, is it “fair”/just? Should those texts be adhered to now or has […]

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