Compare the concept of Adam and Eve and “original sin” in Christianity and Judaism.

Description Compare the concept of Adam and Eve and “original sin” in Christianity and Judaism. The textbooks used for the class and needed for one of the sources is; “World Religions 4th Edition, ISBN 978-0-312-442378”,

Most scholars doubt that Paul wrote I and II Timothy and Titus. They are about equally divided on whether Paul wrote Colossians and Ephesians. What do you think of these claims?Discuss

Religion Discussion 6 Question: Most scholars doubt that Paul wrote I and II Timothy and Titus. They are about equally divided on whether Paul wrote Colossians and Ephesians. What do you think of these claims? Does the actual authorship make any difference to the Christian Church? Why or why not? Books use for this assignment: […]

After careful reading Chapter 17 on “Religion and Film” by S. Brent Plate.write an in-depth 200-word reaction to the reading.

Description After careful reading Chapter 17 on “Religion and Film” by S. Brent Plate For this assignment you will need to write an in-depth 200-word reaction to the reading, this is a summary of what you read. It will need to be written double space and include your name, date, and the chapter number. It […]

Explain how and why Luke may have edited Mark’s Gospel.

Description Explain how and why Luke may have edited Mark’s Gospel. Use the following two sets of passages to support your claim. According to course materials (Bible, textbook, digital materials linked below, etc.): 1. How and why would Luke have edited Mark 14:3-9 contrasted with Luke 7:36-50? 2. How and why would Luke have edited […]

Explain and describe the Five Pillars as components of Muslim worship practice

Respond to the following essay questions. Cite quoted material and other sources (MLA), pay attention to supportive detail, correct grammar, edified diction and thorough approach. 1.What are the principles of Islamic belief? How do they relate to key worship practices? 2.What is a prophet in the Islamic tradition? What does a prophet do? Give examples […]

Organize your process and findings into a presentation that highlights key findings and most importantly how you will use what you found in your future APRN practice

Presentation on the concept of “trust” 1. This will be a power-point presentation of the results of your scholarly investigation of your concept. 2. Organize your process and findings into a presentation that highlights key findings and most importantly how you will use what you found in your future APRN practice. 3. What specific points […]

Discuss three instances of how the Old Testament might foreshadow the New Testament, and then discuss whether you think these instances are truly anticipations of Jesus Christ, or in other words, if they are convincing.

Discuss three instances of how the Old Testament might foreshadow the New Testament, and then discuss whether you think these instances are truly anticipations of Jesus Christ, or in other words, if they are convincing.

What is the historical relationship between Christianity and science? What is the present crisis, and are there any resolutions to this crisis?Discuss

Question : Based on the Alister E. McGrath reading from week 7: What is the historical relationship between Christianity and science? What is the present crisis, and are there any resolutions to this crisis? Read the reading here to answer [Religious revolutionaries: the rebels who reshaped American religion Fuller, Robert C. Palgrave/Macmillan, 2004]

One of the things that Jesus urged was simplicity, recommending that people become like little children (Matt. 18:3). Elsewhere Paul talked about putting childish ways behind him and growing up (1 Cor. 13). Why is that?Explain

One of the things that Jesus urged was simplicity, recommending that people become like little children (Matt. 18:3). Elsewhere Paul talked about putting childish ways behind him and growing up (1 Cor. 13). Why is that? Is this one of those glaring contradictions that would-be debunkers of the Bible like to point out? How do […]

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