Compare the online presence of at least 2 groups studied this trimester.Do they represent examples of religion online or online religion or something else (e.g. a combination of both)? Give reasons for your answer.

New Religions, Cults and Popular Spiritualities. Compare the online presence of at least 2 groups studied this trimester. Do they represent examples of religion online or online religion or something else (e.g. a combination of both)? Give reasons for your answer.

Write a 2-3 page response paper on a topic chosen from the above text.  

Paper 4 TEXT READING “Feminism and the Problem of Evil,” by Beverley Clack (in Blackwell Companion to the Problem of Evil, pp. 326-329); for the text, click here. (Links to an external site.) INSTRUCTIONS Write a 2-3 page response paper on a topic chosen from the above text.  Response papers are personal reflections on the required reading and can […]

Character is defined by Aristotle as the decisions a person makes when the choice is not obvious.Choose a verse of scripture related to character and discuss how that applies within the concept of you as a salesperson.

Character is defined by Aristotle as the decisions a person makes when the choice is not obvious. To put it another way, character is how we act when no one is around. Research shows firms committed to character generally perform better in the marketplace. Choose a verse of scripture related to character and discuss how […]

Describe how you practically and physically served an unbeliever and how you told them you did so because of Christ.

  Since this is Servant “Evangelism,” not just community service, you should be intentional in trying to share the gospel. Do not just plan servant events without also planning how you will approach sharing the gospel! If you are intentional with the gospel, you will be surprised how often people will respond to your service […]

After reviewing the “Finding Your Purpose” section in The Beginning of Wisdom, discuss some of the ways that people might discover their purpose. How does the Christian concept of missio Dei fit into a Christian’s sense of purpose?

How might someone in your academic discipline or future vocation be able to live out a Christian missional purpose? After reviewing the “Finding Your Purpose” section in The Beginning of Wisdom, discuss some of the ways that people might discover their purpose. How does the Christian concept of missio Dei fit into a Christian’s sense […]

What is the significance of identifying online and unpublished sources as original sources of data?Discuss

( QUESTION) What is the significance of identifying online and unpublished sources as original sources of data? (INSTRUCTIONS) Write a 300-words post discussing the significance of identifying the online sources and unpublished sources as original sources of data pertaining to your research topic.

Resuming now your own knowledge of Jesus, how does Mark’s portrayal of Jesus differ from the views of Jesus that you personally have held or heard? What is different? What is missing?Discuss

Pretend that you know nothing about Jesus, that you’ve never heard any stories about him and have never read anything about him. Now, in your complete ignorance, read Mark 1-6. Write a brief position paper in which you describe the portrayal of Jesus in these six chapters. According to Mark’s account (based only one what […]

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