Discuss how the Bible addresses discrimination and bias. Consider verses such as those contained in James 2.

Description – Discuss the importance of learning from those who are different from yourself. – Discuss your own biases toward diverse individuals, groups, and communities. – Discuss what you have done and what you plan to do to help eliminate your biases. – Discuss how the Bible addresses discrimination and bias. Consider verses such as […]

The Global Village: Christianity on the World Scene Define religious pluralism and identify one implication for personal spiritual life and one implication for corporate (church) spiritual life.

GNRS 506 Spiritual Care Discussion Questions: Bruce Shelley’s “Church History in Plain Language” Cha. 1: Away with the King: The Jesus Movement Which of the competing views of who Jesus was (page 4) is least familiar to you? Did anything surprise you in the summary of Jesus’ ministry, message and death in the chapter? Cha. […]

How does this article increase your understanding of religious worldviews and their impact upon the marketplace in society today?Explain

Throughout your studies in World Religions, you have been introduced to a variety of religious worldviews that are impacting a society and the marketplace in a variety of ways that can be both positive and negative for a community. The task for your Week #5 Project is to write a Current Affairs Worldview Essay that […]

Based on Mark 8:29,summarize and analyze the claims made about Jesus’s identity and purpose.

In Mark 8:29, Jesus discussed with his disciples what people were saying about him. Jesus asked his disciples directly, “But who do you say that I am?” In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of who Christians claim Jesus is and to share your own belief about who Jesus is. […]

What are some of the particular issues facing queer and transgender people of color in the criminal “justice” system?Discuss

Description Use these readings and films: Kandaswamy, “State Austerity and the Racial Politics of Same Sex Marriage” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj8NtOx_tmM&ab_channel=YouTubeMovies UNJUST: HOW THE BROKEN CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM FAILS LGBT PEOPLE OF COLOR Morgan Bassichis et. al., “Building an Abolitionist Trans and Queer Movement with Everything We’ve Got” Drawing on either the reading and the film assigned for […]

What is realness, and why is it important in the ballroom? What does it take to be real?Explain

Description Use this film, article, and book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzIJfMFNUjA&ab_channel=JohnCuoco Bailey, “Gender/Racial Realness” Bronski, Pellegrini, and Amico, “You Can Tell Just By Looking” What is “realness,” and why is it important in the ballroom? What does it take “to be real?” include at least one direct quotation from Bailey’s article and at least one reference to Paris […]

Outline the historical development of the social and legal status of abortion in the United States including major rulings, issues, and tensions of belief.

  Chapter 6 Describe the process of IVF (page 159) and the ethical issues surrounding it (161). List and describe the different prenatal diagnostic tests that are now available (162-163). What are the ethical issues involved with reproductive technologies? (164, 168, 169, 170). What is the Catholic Church’s position on these technologies? (166-168, 171). What […]

Critically evaluate at least two cases, either historical or contemporary, that enable you to consider the impact of the media on the outcomes of blasphemy cases.

Critically evaluate at least two cases, either historical or contemporary, that enable you to consider the impact of the media (e.g. newspapers, television shows, the internet, social media etc.) on the outcomes of blasphemy cases) -the cases are: The Danish Cartoon Affair and Charlie Hebdo.

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