The Confessions written by St. Augustine : Describe and analyze two  key stages of Augustine’s intellectual journey and two  key stages of his spiritual journey as presented in the Confessions.

– paper is about The Confessions written by St. Augustine – For the first section of the paper (3 – 5 pages), carefully describe and analyze two  key stages of Augustine’s intellectual journey and two  key stages of his spiritual journey as presented in the Confessions. – For the second section of the paper (3 […]

Do you agree with the pacifist claim that taking up one’s cross and following Christ includes renouncing deadly violence? If not, how should we interpret the first three passages above?

And he said, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.” Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves […]

In Holloway’s religion of ‘as if’ there is a resistance to what he suspects is the way the world is. In Caputo, authentic religion involves resistance to what he dubs the “religion of tragedy. Discuss, teasing out parallels between the two.

Religious faith is particular involves resistance to the threat of doubt. In Holloway’s religion of ‘as if’ there is a resistance to what he suspects is the way the world is. In Caputo, authentic religion involves resistance to what he dubs the “religion of tragedy.” Discuss, teasing out parallels between the two.

Write a Reflection Paper of 800-900 words that includes what you saw/heard, how the beliefs and/or practices in the movie relate, what surprised you, what was exactly as you expected, whether you would recommend the movie to others and why/not.

watch an episode of The Story of God (On Netflix) , or you can watch Come Sunday (also on Netflix). After you watch the movie, write a Reflection Paper of 800-900 words that includes what you saw/heard, how the beliefs and/or practices in the movie relate, what surprised you, what was exactly as you expected, […]

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