Using the assigned readings in addition to two to three credible sources from the GCU Library, discuss the strengths and potential pitfalls of using each of the four sources  for the task of doing theology.

ASSIGNMENT Respond to the following prompts. In addition to the references found in your reading assignments, you should also reference the Bible, and at least three other scholarly sources. It is important to cite your sources in order to avoid intentional or unintentional plagiarism, either of which is a violation of the University Code of […]

Provide a 5-paragraph analysis of the debates. Is the proposition “God guided and orchestrated the course of evolution to produce the kind of creatures he wanted” refutable? If yes, on what basis? If no, does this make religious belief any more or less rational? Are Dennett’s naturalistic claims sufficient reason to believe we are just matter?

After reading Plantinga and Dennett, in addition to listening to the debate between Dennett and Ward, provide a 5-paragraph analysis of the debates. Is the proposition “God guided and orchestrated the course of evolution to produce the kind of creatures he wanted” refutable? If yes, on what basis? If no, does this make religious belief […]

How can a mental health worker with the Christian worldview use this philosophy to assist families in crisis? How does the Christian worldview mesh with how spirituality can be used as a resource throughout the family life cycle?

In this Topic, you looked ar various types of family crisis . GCU believes that God redeems and restores men and women in Christ, creating them anew for the good works He has prepared them to do, therefore the work of the Christian is a part of God’s calling by which he/she can glorify God […]

What is unique about Roman Catholicism unique?What is Protestant Christianity? Discuss 4 major features of Protestant Christianity. What makes this branch of Christianity unique?

Answer 3 of the following essay questions Each answer should use 12 size font and double-spacing. Each answer will be graded for content and grammar using the posted rubric. Each answer should have at least 600 words 1.Define and describe Eastern Christianity, including at least 4 features of this branch of Christianity. What makes Eastern […]

Explain how a family structure is upset by late adulthood. Provide examples. How can a mental health worker assist a family dealing with these challenges?

Explain how a family structure is upset by late adulthood. Provide examples. How can a mental health worker assist a family dealing with these challenges? Discussion Question 1 Imagine you are a mental health worker assigned to a family dealing with an older adult diagnosed with dementia. List some of the challenges each family member […]

Do you agree with Professor Midgley or not? Are cross cultural judgements possible? Why or why not? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Professor Mary Midgely in her article “Trying Out One’s New Sword” criticizes a position which “many people theoretically favor” namely: “denying that we can ever understand any culture except our own well enough to make judgements about it . Do you agree with Professor Midgley or not? Are cross cultural judgements possible? Why or why […]

What did you find surprising, interesting, or difficult to understand in the two articles?What is the difference between religion and spirituality?

For this assignment, read through the two articles posted for Week 1  on Canvas. Once you’re done, please respond to the following three questions: 1. What is the difference between religion and spirituality? 2. Why do people seek out new forms of spirituality? 3. What did you find surprising, interesting, or difficult to understand in […]

Explain the importance of the Exodus event in Jewish history. Explain how Christianity views the Exodus as symbolic for the liberation which Jesus can bring to all human beings.

Write a long essay in response to one of the following questions. Be sure to indicate which essay you are answering . 25pts 1. Explain how Christianity understands the death and resurrection of Jesus to be at the heart of the Gospel message. Identify and explain important elements from the Gospels about these events. Identify […]

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