Explain the Christian understanding of God as a good creator with a world fallen into sin and chaos.

Choose 2 questions below and write a short essay in response to each. Be sure to indicate which essay you are answering . Some examples or reference to our course readings is needed. 1. Explain the Christian understanding of God as a good creator with a world fallen into sin and chaos. 2. Explain the […]

What would you want someone from another culture to know about your faith? Why is it important to understand the whole story of God ? How have you interacted with or engaged in the global story? What kinds of cross-cultural experiences have you had?

CQ Journal The power of story Your journal entry should meet the following requirements. Length: 400-800 words Your journal entry should be written in paragraph form with proper grammar and spelling. Thoughts should be well-organized and cohesive. Your journal entry should be submitted on the template provided. For this first journal, we will discuss our […]

Provide an example of the significance of the concept to nursing practice from the organizational setting.Define the attributes of the concept.

Develop a scholarly paper that includes the following criteria: Concept: ANXIETY 1. A definition of the concept utilizing various sources 2. Define the criteria of the concept a. Discuss the uses of the concept b. Define the attributes of the concept c. Identify antecedents and consequences 3. Theoretical perspectives of the concept 4. Provide an […]

Analyze the work: Is there a bias presented? If so, what is it? Is it pro- or anti- religion? Why did you select that choice?What did you learn from this project about media portrayal of religions? What insights did you gain?

Essay 1, Media analysis. Students should select one article about religion that derives from popular media . The information must be topical to *the past 12 months* from the date of the assignment. Once the story has been read/reviewed, please do the following: 1) Give a BRIEF  description of the main points outlined in the […]

Where is the principle discovered in this New Testament narrative found elsewhere in the Scriptures? Your explanation should be 1 paragraph in length. Be specific. List, explain, and cite your supporting passage(s) from Scripture.

Answer the questions using the passage Acts 9 36:43 How does this passage from Acts fit within the metanarrative of the Bible? State what type of story you believe this to be  and explain why you believe this to be so? Your explanation should be 1 paragraph in length. How does your principle from Acts […]

Explain how the study of Hinduism differs from the study of the so-called “religions of the book” Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. How should one approach and appreciate Hinduism?

Hinduism boasts a rich and complex textual tradition. Explain how the study of Hinduism differs from the study of the so-called “religions of the book” Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. How should one approach and appreciate Hinduism?

Identify and briefly describe, with convincing, supporting details, two facts/ideas/terms you learned about ancient Greek gender roles that you didn’t know before. Identify and briefly describe, with convincing, supporting details, two facts/ideas you learned about Dionysus that you didn’t know before?

Dionysus and the Greek Mindset Read the article The Ivied Rod Gender and the Phallus in Dionysian Religion Take some time to critically reflect on these 2 major topics from the article: Gender Roles in Ancient Greece and The Function of Dionysus in Greek Culture Identify and briefly describe, with convincing, supporting details, two facts/ideas/terms […]

Discuss your understanding of Romans 12 as it relates to the worship of God. Provide an extensive rationale for your explanation, including citations from the class text, scripture, and other scholarly sources.

Read Peterson: Chapters 6-7, Borchert Chapter 6-8,10, Romans 12, Colossians 3:1-17. After reading the text and scripture, and viewing the presentations for this module, discuss your understanding of Romans 12 as it relates to the worship of God. Provide an extensive rationale for your explanation, including citations from the class text, scripture, and other scholarly […]

What do these concepts teach me about God? What do these concepts reveal about me?

Reflection Journal: The Holy Spirit and Life Style Worship Assignment write a two-part reflection journal. In Part 1, you will write a summary of the foundational principles of worship discussed over the past two weeks. Your summary should cover the main points found in the video presentations and texts. Your summary should be at least […]

What is Islamic Mysticism/Sufism? What are the roots of the movement? What are the core beliefs?

Answer the four questions in detail. 100 words for each question. and use 1 academic source for each question. NB: Answers should be in details not just general. Cite any relevant course material, lectures, youtube videos from the syllabus or lectures, etc. 1. What are the origins of the Islamic Religious Tradition? What are the […]

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